Louis Flu (part 2)

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Requested from ilangel1

Liam's POV

I knew from the second I pulled back the covers from over Louis's head that he had definitely caught my illness. He was as pale as a ghost, he was sweating yet shaking at the same time, and you could see by the expression on the poor boy's face that he did not feel well at all.

"Li- " Louis whined, his voice sounding all scratchy.

"Shh, I know Lou. What all hurts?" I ask softly.

"My throat, head, and I'm really cold and I feel all congested." Louis sniffled.

"Aww Lou, try not to talk then if you're throat hurts. I'll go get you some medicine okay?" I say.

Louis nodded so I turned to leave to get everything he needed. I feel awful that he caught what I had. I guess that was my fault though after he spent so much time around me trying to take care of me. He was nothing but exposed to my germs for about five days.

It was still early in the morning meaning everyone else was still asleep. However we had a packed day today and everyone agreed to wake up extra early to make sure we had enough time for all of us to have a shower and get ready. Although now since Lou is sick I may have to try and reschedule everything. There's no way he's going to be up to doing everything today so hopefully management will be a little merciful.

I gathered everything Louis would need. Some medicine, a thermometer, more blankets, a damp rag for his fever, and even some throat lozenges. I brought everything back to his room, Louis still laying in the exact spot I left him in. First I handed him the some medicine along with a lozenge which he happily took. Next I took his temp which wasn't too bad, but it was enough to indicate that he definitely had a fever.

"Liam what about everything we had scheduled for today?" Louis whispers.

"I'm going to go talk to management. You just get some rest." I tell him.

Louis didn't have to be told twice. He curls up into his many blankets and closes his eyes. I take my phone out and go into the next room so that I don't wake up Louis from his much needed rest. I knew it was a long shot trying to convince management into letting him have a day off but it was worth a try.

After about five minutes, I finally got off the phone with management. He can sit out of the interview but unfortunately he still has to be there for filming a music video today. Luckily it was gonna be filmed indoors so he didn't have to stand outside in the cold. However after my round of the flu I know no matter where he is, he's not gonna feel like going out anywhere today.

I delivered the news to Lou, and he wasn't entirely thrilled about having to film, but at least he got out of the interview. None of us likes the woman that's interviewing us anyways. She was so rude last time and asked so many personal questions that she knew we wouldn't want to answer. We practically begged management to cancel this interview as soon as we found out about it, but they wouldn't budge. At least Louis gets out of it. He may feel like death, but at least he doesn't have to face this woman while he feels like death.
"Okay Lou, we're leaving now. We should be back to get you at around 11." I say.

Louis gave a weak nod, not even bothering to lift his head or open his eyes.

"Feel better Louis!" Niall said, before we all walked out the door.

I will admit, I was nervous to leave him here alone while he was feeling sick. I made sure he had everything he may possibly need to try and keep him from getting up at all. It still didn't stop me from worrying though.

Louis's POV

I had fallen asleep for a good half hour after the boys had left, but now I'm awake and I have to pee. I definitely didn't want to get up. My body felt so tired and achy and I'm not even sure if I have enough energy to get out of bed. However the longer I sat there the more I had to go, so I took all the power I had in me to sit up and throw the covers off me. A chill ran down my spine as soon as the warmth of the blankets left my body. When I stood up, I immediately fell back onto the bed feeling dizzy. I took a few breaths then stood up again and this time I made it to the bathroom. I quickly did my business then went back to bed feeling even more drained than when I first got up. I tried going back to sleep but unfortunately I had no luck so I decided to turn on the tv. I flipped through channels before landing on a show that seemed interesting enough. I watched it for awhile until I got bored and fell asleep. I stayed out for awhile until the boys got home to take me to filming.

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