Liam sick part 2

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Hello! This is a request from @ilangel1. Also, this is a continuation from Louis sick but the boys don't believe him.

Liam's POV

We had spent all of last week nursing Louis back to health because he turned out to be really sick. With a lot of rest and care, he was back on his feet just in time before we had an five day road trip ahead of us on the bus. No one was looking forward to it, but at least we didn't have to spend it with Louis puking everywhere. You would think luck was on our side with this one, but no, it was most definitely not. I woke up this morning immediately having to run to the toilet and puke. My stomach was twisting painfully and it only made me gag more. Why right on the day we leave to get on the bus?! I threw up another painful round before getting up and washing my mouth out. In case you're wondering, no I am not going to tell the boys because they are exhausted from taking care of Louis and Niall at the same time. I just can't add another burden on them, they deserve some rest themselves.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead and got dressed in a hoodie and jeans even though it felt like a sauna outside. I was absolutely freezing and it was probably a fever without a doubt.
I finished packing my bags and went to meet the boys outside.
"Morning Liam." Niall greeted.
"Morning." I said. That's when I realized that my throat was killing me. I needed to find some medicine as soon as I got on the bus.
"You boys ready to get this started?" Paul asked.
All the boys nodded eagerly, ready to get going. We all got onto the bus ready to get the road trip started. All the boys immediately started playing fifa but my stomach was really upset so I decided to lay down in my bunk.
"Where you going Liam?" Niall asked.
"I'm gonna go lay down. I didn't get much sleep last night." I lied.
"Oh, okay then." Niall said, then focused his attention back to the game.
I went to my bunk and laid down. I tried to go to sleep but my stomach was tossing turning, making me curl into a ball. Of course the bus was constantly bumping on the road which didn't help my stomach at all. Why did I have to get sick the day we leave for a road trip? I tossed and turned for a few more minutes before my dinner last night decided to make a reappearance. I quickly got up and rushed to the toilet and made it just in time before everything came spewing out. I kept heaving harshly and then I felt a hand on my back. I don't know whose it is but it was rather comforting so I didn't push it away.
"Just get it out Li." I heard. That was definitely Louis's voice. When I finally stopped I looked up to see Louis looking rather concerned.
"Why didn't you just say you didn't feel well earlier?" Louis asked.
"I can't even remember." I replied. Louis chuckled.
"Let's get you to bed Liam." Louis said. He helped me up and practically carried my exhausted body back to bed. He set a bucket beside me and checked my temperature which was was rather high.
"Louis?" I mumbled.
"Yeah Li?" Louis asked.
"Don't tell the others." I replied.
"Why?" Louis asked confusedly.
"Just don't, please." I said, with puppy dog eyes.
Louis sighed.
"Fine, but I'm keeping constant check on you and if you get any worse I'm telling the boys." Louis said.
"Deal." I sighed quietly. I was struggling to keep my eyes open by this point. Puking can really take its toll on you.
"Get some rest Liam. I'll be back in a little bit." Louis said.
I didn't even reply. I was already half asleep by then. Seconds later I was out cold.

"Liam, wake up." I heard someone whisper.
With all my strength that I could gather, I opened my eyes and looked up to see Louis looking down at me.
"You've been out for four hours mate. I wanted to check on you and make sure you were doing okay." Louis said.
Dang, I've been out that long? Suddenly my stomach started to churn again causing me to let out a quiet whine.
"You okay Liam?" Louis asked.
"M-my stomach hurts." I replied.
"I have some stomach relaxers for you." Louis said, opening the bottle he had in his hands. I gladly swallowed the pill and laid back in bed. I broke out into a cold sweat and my stomach started turning more and more. Before I could even process what was happening, Louis held a bucket under my chin as I threw up everything I had eaten in the last few days. Tears sprung in my eyes as I painfully retched and gagged endlessly.
When I stopped I collapsed back in my bunk and Louis set the bucket down.
"Li, I really think it's time to tell the boys." Louis urged.
"N-no, I'm f...fine." I said, while trying to catch my breath.
Louis sighed, frustrated with me.
"Alright, just let me know if you change your mind." Louis said.
With that, he left me to sleep. Although, I was struggling to find sleep. I couldn't get comfortable and I knew a round two of vomit was coming sooner rather than later. Plus, it was so cold in here! I got up and went to turn off the AC when Louis caught me up.
"What the heck are you doing up already?" Louis asked sassily.
"It's cold back there. I've been freezing to death back there so I went to turn the AC off." I explained.
Louis looked at me questioningly.
"Li, the AC isn't on." Louis replied.
"What? Then why's it so cold?" I whined, still shivering.
Louis came closer and put the back of his hand against my forehead.
"Liam, you have a fever." Louis said worriedly.
I sighed annoyed.
"Come on, back to bed." Louis instructed.
He guided me back to my bunk and even tucked me back in.
"I'll be right back." Louis said.
A few moments later he came back with a couple of thick blankets in his hands. He threw them over me then got a wet rag and placed it over my forehead.
"Now if you need anything else just text me." Louis fussed.
I simply just nodded my head and left it that. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"Liam, wake up bud." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Louis standing there looking at me sympathetically. I looked at him confused.
"You got to get in the shower, you threw up on yourself in your sleep." Louis explained.
I looked down and sure enough there it was. I nearly gagged at the sight.
"Come on Liam, I'll change your sheets while you're in the shower." Louis said gently.
He helped me stand up and I was careful not to let any vomit drip on the floor while I went to the tiny bathroom in the bus. I showered as quickly as I could because standing there was making me feel dizzy. Once I got out and got dressed, I started to go back to bunk where I saw Louis there waiting for me. On my way over there the bus hit another bump causing my stomach to flip which led to me running back to the bathroom to puke. I made it just in time before I completely lost all my stomach contents. Not even two seconds later Louis was behind me, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings to me.
"Just get it out Li." Louis said.
I soon finished up and shakily walked back to bed with Lou by my side.
He tucked me back into bed then left me to sleep.

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