Louis and Liam sick

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Liam's POV

I open my eyes and look at the clock. It read 7:42 a.m. I roll over and try to go back to sleep. Wait...7:42 a.m! I was supposed to get the boys up a half hour ago so we could catch our plane! I jump out of bed and run downstairs to the kitchen. As soon as I entered the kitchen I saw that the boys were already awake, dressed, and even eating breakfast. While I was glad I didn't have to worry about that anymore I was still quite annoyed that they never bothered to wake me up.
"Why didn't you guys wake me up? We're going to be late for our plane!" I said.
"Oh about that, management called. There's bad weather rolling in for the next several days, so our flight has been canceled. We don't have to leave until next week." Harry explained.
"Wait so, you're telling me that management is actually going to just let us have a week off to do whatever we want just because our flight has been canceled?" I asked skeptically.
It was quite strange that management would just let us off the hook for a whole week just because we can't get to Europe just yet. Usually when things like that happen, they just start scheduling a load of interviews and photo shoots and several other things just until we can get to where we're supposed to be.
"Yup. They said we deserved a small break so their actually going to leave us alone for the whole week until we can get back on schedule." Niall said happily.
"Oh, well that's great!" I smiled.
I sat down and joined the others with eating breakfast.
"We need to do something fun while we've got some time off!" Niall said, whilst swallowing down another forkful of eggs.
We all agreed and started to think of some things to do.
"I heard there's a water park around here somewhere, do you guys think that would be fun?" Louis suggested.
"Yes!" We all shouted. It had been so long since we could just let loose and have some fun. Plus, this time Louis and I couldn't get in trouble with management for having another water fight. It was perfect. We made the plan to head out tomorrow morning so we went ahead and packed a bag with the usual towels, sunscreen, etc. 


I quickly slid out of bed and went to wake the others up. I started with Harry since he can be a little difficult to wake up sometimes.
"Harry, come on. Wakey wakey." I rubbed up and down his shoulder.
"Why are you waking me up so early Liam?" Harry grumbled.
"We're going to the water park today, remember?" I said.
That got Harry up.
"Oh yeah!" He slid out of bed and started finding something to wear.
"Can you get Niall up when you're done?" I asked.
"Yeah sure!" He replied.
That left me with Louis to wake up.
"Louis...wake up mate!" I shook his shoulders gently.
"Mhmm... why? I'm so comfortable Li!" He whined.
"We're going to the water park, remember?" I reminded.
"Oh, yeah. I'll be up in a second." Louis said.
"Alright mate." I left his room and went to start a quick breakfast.
I couldn't help but get the feeling that something wasn't right with Louis. Normally he'd be bouncing off the walls by now. I did notice that his face was a little flushed. Maybe I'm just being overprotective? I went with that, but something in the back of my mind told me that something was up with Louis.


We arrived at the water park and Harry and Niall already took off. Louis just kinda stayed behind with me which is abnormal behavior for him. Usually he's already pushed me into a pool when I'm least expecting it by now.
"Lou, are you alright?" I asked.
He looked up at me and paused.
"Yeah, I'm alright Liam. Just still tired I guess." Louis replied.
I don't believe it for a second. I just pretended I did.
"Alright Lou, if you say so." I smiled. We spread some towels and laid back. I know I know, you don't sunbathe at a water park, but to be honest I was tired too. And to me this was a great way to relax.
I was just starting to dose off when I heard gagging noises. I looked over and I saw a very panicked Louis leaning over the grass.
"Louis, are you alright?" I asked, walking over to him.
Stupid question I know. Nevertheless I start rubbing up and down as his back as he starts to vomit in the grass.
"Oh Lou." I say, as I rub up and down his back trying to soothe his shaking body.
When he finally finished, I made him lay back down on the towel while I rounded up the rest of the boys.
Harry helped me get Louis to the van while Niall gathered up our things.
Eventually, we made it back to our rented house with a very pale and shaking Lou. While Harry and Niall started to bring our stuff in, I helped Louis upstairs and into bed.
"Alright, open up." I said, holding up a thermometer.
Not having the strength to argue, he did as told and allowed me to take his temperature.
"102.9 (39.3). Jeez Lou." I say, before running off to get a dampened cloth. I lay it across his forehead, and he immediately leans into the coolness and sighs in relief.
"I feel like crap, Li." He complains.
"I know you do. Why didn't you tell me you felt sick earlier?" I asked confused.
"I didn't wanna ruin the fun day for everyone." He replies. I smile sympathetically.
Harry and Niall awkwardly walk in, I'm guessing to see how Lou's doing.
"Hey Louis." Harry greets.
"Hey." Louis replied in a weak and scratchy voice.
"How are you feeling?" Niall asks.
"Like crap." Louis groans.
"Just get some rest Lou. Maybe you'll feel better after a nap." I suggest.
"I doubt it, but I'll try anyways." I rub his shoulder one last time before leaving the room with Harry and Niall right behind me.

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