Getting Into Hopes Peak

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Kokichis pov

I had just come home from a long day with dice and what is the first thing my father does? He pulls me into a tight hug! He hasn't hugged me since I was a kid, said something about being exposed to his poisonous skin too much can be dangerous so I know somethings up!

"Umm dad why are you hugging me?" I asked.

"because I'm proud of you my boy! Your leadership skills will someday help you rule the tanaka empire with an iron fist! Fuhahaha"

Of course he's just having an delusion again! I had to surpress the urge to roll my eyes. Then mom came in with a letter in his hand. I noticed my siblings holding the same letters with smiles on their faces. Ok now I'm definitely suspicious!

"what's that mom" I asked wiggling out of dad's iron grip.

"read it for yourself baby" mom said looking like he was about to burst from excitement.

I took the letter and read it

Dear kokichi ouma

Congratulations! You have been chosen by our scouters to attend hopes peak under the title ultimate leader. The opening date is September 16th. We hope to see you there!

I stared at the letter in shock. I'm going to hopes peak? The same amazing school that my parents, aunties and uncles all went too? And ultimate leader? Sure I lead a prank squad but I didn't think I was good enough to be called the ultimate leader!

"I'm a ultimate" I whispered.

"you sure are baby" mom said hugging me.

"we're all ultimates!" miu and gonta cheered

"congratulations children" dad said also hugging us.

Suddenly kaito burst through the door "dude I just got into hopes peak!"

"so did I!"

Kaito then picked me up and spun me around, screaming excitedly. It was kinda annoying that kaito grew so much taller then me!

"we need to celebrate!" mom insisted.

This all feels like a dream but it's real! I'm really going to hopes peak with my best friend and siblings. I'm making my parents proud! Man life is great!

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