Kokichis Crush

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Kazuichis pov

I stared at kaito sadly. He was trying desperately to get makis attention. What an idiot!

At the start I didn't really mind him obsessing over maki. In fact I found it pretty amusing but now anytime I see them together I feel a sharp pain in my chest whenever I see them around each other.

I don't understand why I'm feeling this way. Is it jealousy? Is it hatred?

Is it love?

I clutched my chest in pain. That's it. I'm in love with him. I always have. I just didn't realise it until he fell in love with someone else.

I watched as kaito smiled happily at maki even though she was only insulting him.

"oh kaito" I whispered to myself "why can't you love me the way you love her?"

I heard a soft gasp behind me. I turned around to see my sister miu with her mouth hanging open in shock.

Well isn't this just great!

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