Words Of Encouragement

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Kokichis pov

I ran to my room in tears. I buried my head in my pillow and sobbed my confused feelings out.

My father walked into my room and sat down on my bed. He gently pulled my into his arms which wasn't hard since I was small and light.

"my child what has gotten you so upset?" he asked.

"I hate these feelings daddy! I don't want them!" I sobbed.

"why ever not?" dad asked calmly.

"because I-I know he'll never love me back. He's in love with this girl named maki. He has no interest in me"

Dad stayed silent for a moment before smiling at me "child let me tell you a story. When I was your age I was in love with your mother but he was madly in love with the dark queen.

"aunt Sonia" I gasped.

"indeed" he chuckled "I hid my feelings for a long time cause I believed he would never love me back. At the end of the year though I eventually cracked and told him how I felt and do you you know what happened?"

"what?" I asked.

"it turns out that he never really loved Sonia. He only pretended to cause he desperately wanted to be normal and I feel like this boy is doing the same thing"

I rubbed my tears away feeling a lot better.

"thanks dad" I said pulling him into a hug. He stiffened up like a bourd but soon hugged me back. I jumped up and ran out of my room.

"where are you going child?" dad asked. I turned around and grinned at him.

"I'm going to tell that idiot kaito how I feel!"

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