Part 25 | My comfort Zone

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I can tolerate your anger,
but how can I,
see hate in those eyes
where my world resides.


Three days later,


" Switch off the damn lights ! " I yelled pulling the blanket over my head.

" jezz women! It's 1 in the afternoon! " Aditi took my blanket away exposing my eyes to the bright lights.

I sat on my bed, leaning against the head rest.

" woah! You look like a real mess!" She commented.

" I feel like crap! " I added rubbing my face.

" You guys did not talk yet? "

I sighed loudly, " talk? Forget it , I haven't even seen him properly for the past three days. "

" I am sorry Kartik, I promise I will never lie to you, I'll never hide anything from you. " I stopped him from leaving.

" I am sorry, I was stupid. "

No response.

" Kartik please say something. " I was desperate.

" Leave Ms. Basu! " His cold tone piercing my heart.

He called me Basu, not Oberoi.

So what am I, just a stranger?

" I love you Kartik" my voice cracked.

His teary eyes stared at me for a minute.

" Wish I could believe your words blindly like before. But I am afraid I can't. "

My grip on his wrist loosened. I felt crushed by his words.

Standing there speechless, I watched him leave me.

" Did I screw up that bad? " I looked at Aditi.

" Well, He's really hurt. "

"Ever since that day, he hasn't even spoken a word to me. We didn't sleep or eat together. He didn't even drink the coffee I made for him, he loves that.

Leaving before I wake up and returning late, it only tells that He doesn't even wants to see me. " I complained.

" He probably hates me now. " I whispered, tears stinging my already puffed eyes.

" Babes, you are being hard on yourself now. " She held my hands, " He is mad at you but he'll come back. He loves you."

" It feels like I never knew this Kartik!" I sighed dejected.

Just then My phone buzzed with the caller id, Robert.

" All okay? "

" I met him yesterday, at his office. " He said.

" and... "

" I told him the truth. Everything. " I sat erect.

" Are you s-serious? " I looked at Aditi bewildered.

" I did. He had to know. " I hummed, silence prevailed between us.

" Today, He transferred my company shares to me along with it's property papers. Our house that was in Nisha's name, he got it written in my name." Robert's words made my eyes wide like saucers.

After Nisha's death, Kartik who was headstrong in ruining Robert to avenge her sister's death, took over everything Robert owned from his company to the house he lived, leaving him bankrupt.

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