Part 42 | All I Want Is You

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Taking in a staggered breath she lifted her teary orbs to murmur,
" I can't do this. "

Kartik scrunched his brows, his face went from confusion to cold upon her next words. " I wanna hate you. "

He fixed his gaze on her. Though certain her lines are gonna hurt him bad, he refused to look away, walk away.

" I wish I could hate you, it would be a lot easier because when I don't hate you, all I could feel for you is love. And it scares me.
So I tried to find reasons, one damn reason! "

He watched her eyes turn glossy, her voice cracked as the supressed feelings within her surfaced.

" Sometimes I do hate you, but then you show up in front of me and seeing you only makes my cells ache to love you.

I'm tired. And to hate you, it's exhausting. As much as I want to hate you, I could only love you. And that hurts. " She chocked a cry.

In no minute Kartik covered the distance between them. He enveloped her into a much needed hug and surprisingly, She didn't fight him but Instead bawled holding him.

The fact that all these days, she was hurting too much yet refused to show, made him feel terrible.

After what felt like a good cry, she calmed. His palms sliding from beneath her chin, cupped her face. His thumb tenderly stroking the soft skin of her cheeks.
For a fraction of minute, She leaned her face into his warm hands craving to feel loved.

Raising her chin with his index finger, his eyes scanned her face. " Do you really think there's nothing left between us ? "

Truth be told, no matter how otherwise her mind compelled her to believe, Somewhere deep down she was clinging to a hope of possibilities of things going back to how it was.

Her eyes bore into his, before she closed her wet lashes. She was hurting, he could see it.

" You don't. Because you know our love is worth fighting for. " She heard him say delicately.

With Their faces only a few inches apart, She could feel his hot breath. Slowly she removed his hand from her face and pulled herself away.

Her retreating steps halted when she heard him say, " When you said I used you as my lottery ticket, you were right. "

Her mind pushed her to walk away but her body chose to stand by her heart. So she gave in, Halting on her steps to hear him out for one last time.

" But Not to wealth or power.
You are my lottery ticket to happiness. "

She turned around to face the truth, risking her last shreds of hopes.

" You had me curious from the very first time I saw you at the park with the kids. Ever since then, You never left my mind. I purposefully visited the park a couple of times during weekend hoping to sneak a glimpse of you again. " Kartik smiled as he recalled.

" Then you stopped showing up with the kids and I had to find you. That's when I knew you worked at Marco as an Architect. My only intention behind Involving Marco designers for the resort project was to meet you and get to know you. I was simply curious!"

Naira was surprised would be an understatement. " Whatever Raghav said the other day, how about that? " She questioned with softness etched in her voice.

" Whatever He said about our grandfathers, the company deal... it's all true but I didn't know about the deal until after our marriage Naira, I swear. I didn't marry you for any deal, even the one I told you the day I kept forth the wedding proposal. I had all powers to change that clause.

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