Part 53 | Pieces of My heart

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" I-I can't remember.... O-our last kiss. "

But I do.

And it's making me sick as I stand outside the ICU.

I don't want to remember our last kiss Because that would mean I'm not getting her back.

2 hours ago,

Few seconds into the kiss, Naira stopped responding. I pulled back slightly to find her eyes closed on me. Her hands curled around my neck went limp and fell lifelessly to the sides.

" Babe? " I shook her.
I pressed my lips over hers to infuse some warmth, but in vain. Her dry parted lips were cold and her skin became paler by every minute.

" N-naira.... " I choked, fear clogging my throat.

Every effort of mine to bring her to consciousness was a failure.

" You promised -- you promised to wait. Don't- " I whispered, sucking in a ragged breath.

" We need to get her to the hospital. " Rudra urged anxiously as Dhruv fetched his car.

I swept her off the ground in a bridal style. Her face pressed against my chest as she barely breathed into the fabric. My grip tighter than ever as I held her unconscious body close to mine.

I glanced down at her, a desperate plea left my lips as I pressed a kiss against her temple.

" P-Please Don't leave me. "

I rushed to the car, climbing into the backseat carrying her fragile body.

The drive to the hospital felt painfully long. All the way I held my wife's hand, refusing to take my gaze away from her tired yet beautiful face.

" Just hold on, babe. " I muttered into her hair, dropping a kiss.

When we lose someone we love,
we feel like we might just die without them. But the truth is we survive.
We stay alive despite the ache. Life keeps moving forward and so do we.

I'll survive in a world without her.
I know I can,
But I just don't want to.



" Thank you " The nurse who tended the bruises in my knuckles, smiled with a nod.

The knife stab in my abdomen required some stitches. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to cause any Internal injury. The doctor said it would heal in a fortnight.

" Kartik " my mom's tender voice hit my eardrum.

I snap my head to the side to see my parents walking up to me worried. Mom enveloped me with her tiny frame.

" How is she? " I don't have an answer.

Pulling back I sighed. " They haven't said anything. "

" Oh my baby! " She caressed my hair sitting beside me, and all I craved was to rest my head on her lap and cry because I'm reminded of the awful fear.

The last time I felt this kind of fear was when I held my twin's cold lifeless body.

" How are you holding up? "

I'm breaking mom and She isn't here to hold me.

I just managed to give her a nod. " I'm fine mom, I guess. "

Dad rubbed my shoulder, a gesture of reassurance " She'll be fine, son. "

" Dad, the police- " I didn't have to complete the sentence for dad had already looked into the matter.

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