Part 49 | Hold on, a little longer

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Sea shells.

I love them. They were the reason I often visited the beach in my childhood.

Back then, Dad would take me to the beach every alternate weekends and I used to start my hunt for shells right away.

I had a whole collection of them. A lot of shells. Different shapes, different colours.

I Never once, returned home empty handed.

Standing on the shore under the bright blue sky, in a fresh floral gown that came till my knees, I wrap my arms around me as the morning breeze kissed my cheeks. The waves washed my feet and recede back into the ocean.

I felt a head dip into my half-wet hair and rest on my neck. A pair of strong arms circled around my waist, as a soft kiss is planted on the sides of my neck, making me giggle.

" Kartik. " I breathed as I felt a trail of butterfly kisses on my collarbone.

He only hummed in response, not willing to stop his activity. Resting his chin on my shoulder, one of his hand still wrapped around my waist, Kartik took my right palm and placed a seashell.

" Gosh! This is so beautiful. " I squealed.

The convex, oval shaped shell was gleaming and shiny on the inside. It's striking multicoloured appearance left me in awe.

" Just like you. " He smiled brushing his nose against my cheek, pecking my temple.

We didn't talk much, Just stood on the shore watching the waves crash against the shore.

" I love you. " I heard him whisper in my ear and he let go of me. My body winced at the lose of his touch.

" Kartik? " I turn around, but there was no one. The shore was deserted.

I stood there looking at my empty hand and everything started fading away.


The cold floor beneath me made my muscles ache. I miss my bed.
I miss his arms even more.

Gathering my weak self I sat upright, my back leaning against the dirty wall. Guessing by the dark night sky, it must be around midnight and except for the two men guarding me, the warehouse was aloof.

My stomach churned, a sense of nausea overpowered me. Probably because I haven't even had a morsel of food ever since I was abducted.
So it wouldn't be wrong to say that my system is basically functioning on fluids. Precisely water.

The creak of the door alerted me and I snapped my head up to see someone approaching me, suprising a feminine figure. It took me a while, but as I recognised the person before me, I was surprised.

" Rumi? "

What is Raghav's Sister doing here?

" I wanna talk to her. " She ordered the guards in a stern voice. " Alone. " She stressed.

" But Ma'am... " The guards went silent at her glare. " Do you want me to repeat! Out !! "

The intensity in her tone made me flinch. She sounded furious. The guards gave a curt nod before leaving us alone. Once the door closed behind her, she walked up to me.

Unlike her sibling, Rumi is short. Probably shorter than me by a feet or so, but her attitude was precisely why no one would question her surname.
Rumi Malhotra.

She has got the temper of her dad, looks of her mother. Wheatish skinned, honey brown short hair and a diamond face. No doubt being the only daughter of her family, she is a pampered princess.

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