Part 48 | And the Choice is Yours

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Hey fellas!

* Bear hugs *

Good to see y'all again!

Thanks for all the love and waiting

Let's put an end to the wait and
jump right into the story!!!

( Quick suggestion: read the previous chap once before, so as to pick up the story from where we left. )

So here we goooooo!!

Love you peeps

: : ☬ : ☬ : :

The intercom in his office buzzed violently, interrupting the on going conversation between the four men gathered in the cabin.

" Yes, Tina. " Kartik received the call.

" Sir, There's a man asking for you. " Her voice low but urgent, " Says it's about Mrs. Oberoi. "

Kartik's breath hitched, as soon as he heard those words.

He could only think of one man.

Arjun moved faster to snatch the device from his bestfriend.
" Connect the call. " He ordered in a stone cold tone.

" Right away, Sir. "

The room was dead silent as Kartik stared at the intercom, just like the others awaiting for a lead to find her.

" Is this a right time to have a little chat, Mr. Oberoi. " Kartik clenched his fist at the familiar voice yet loathing voice.

" Cut the Crap Malhotra. Where's my Wife? " He demanded.

Twenty hours had passed since he last saw her.

Dhruv and Rudra had dashed into the conference room the day before interrupting the meeting, carrying the dreadful news.

Outside Tiwari's office, who was apparently working for Malhotra, laid the bodies of two personal bodyguards, assigned the duty of protecting Naira, shot dead.
Only her phone and handbag was retrieved from the spot.

" I suppose you are in No position to raise your voice at me, son. Unless you want your wife to suffer. " Kartik gritted his teeth, clenching his fist.

" Whatever it is, deal with me. Keep her out of this! " He warned in a dangerously low tone.

" Well, That is in your hands, young man."

Controlling his raging breath, Kartik spoke with a calm demeanor, " What do you want? "

" See, That's what I was talking about! " Malhotra exclaimed with a smirk.

" Not bad! Must say, my girl has quite an effect on you. " Raghav commented. " But that had to happen, she is one hell of a hot women. " Lust dripped in his words.

Kartik's hand itched to punch that moron's face till he fails to recognise his very own reflection in mirror.

The moronic audacity of Raghav to tag Naira as his girl, to comment about his wife, infuriated Kartik. Rage coursed through his blood but he remained silent. He had to afterall, They need a clue.

" You bastard! " Arjun Piped in furiously. " Wait until I rip your head off. "

" Oh Arjun, calm your ass down. You can't do anything, she is in my captive now. "

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