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⚠️Long chapter ahead!

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3 years later,

" Babe, I'm home. "

Kartik announced loosening the knot of his tie as he walked into a quiet house. It was half past 9 at night when he returned home from work.

The silence in the house, not an usual event, felt strange. Upon finding the kitchen aisle and living room empty he made his way upstairs.

" Naira? " He searched every bedroom in the floor but found them all empty including their master bedroom.

When Kartik clicked open the door knob of his study, he could hear soft snores. Delight skated on his face as he walked into a beautiful sight to behold.

His lips tugged upwards in a smile as he watched his wife rest on the couch on her back, hair sprawled across messily. A peaceful demeanor covered her face as she slept with their 2 year old lying on her belly, face pressed on her chest, mouth half-opened. His tiny hands clasped around her neck as she held him secured in her embrace.

His son.

It still feels unreal.


A ray of light who filled their hearts and home with warmth and joy.

True to the name the toddler is full of sunshine. A mini version of his dad with features of his mom.
Jet black hair, button nose, prominent lashes, a never ending cheeky smile. Those adorable Hazel eyes is the only physical feature duplicated from his father.

Kartik pulled out his phone and captured the moment, adding it to his list of favourites. Probably might as well set this as his phone wallpaper.

He sighed softly and leaned on the wall sideways, arms crossed in front of his chest. A gentle smile lingering on his face as he stared at his favourite people. Honestly, He could do this all day long and would never get tired.

2 years into parenthood and it has been nothing but bliss. Sure, the initial months were difficult for them to adapt to the new routine and With Naira recovering from postpartum, it demanded Kartik to stay home for most days to help with the baby.

But he wouldn't complain. Fatherhood had changed the once workaholic businessman, to a doting father who loves spending time with his family.
Even today, Given a chance Kartik opts to work from home whenever possible.

" Da..da " A sleepy voice caught his attention. The toddler drowsily stretched his tiny hands calling out for his dad.

" Hey buddy. " Kartik coed picking up Reyansh in his arms who instantly snuggled into his chest.

Kartik smiled Pecking his temple, rocking him gently.

" When did you come home?" Yawning tiredly, Naira sat upright.

Leaning in Kartik planted a quick kiss on her forehead, " About half an hour back. "

" He's asleep already? " Naira glared at her husband. " Finally! " She exclaimed, slumping back on the couch.

" Your son had kept me on my feet the whole day! " Kartik chuckled, knowing how tiring Reyansh could be owing to his naughtiness and endless enthusiasm.

" I'll put him to bed. " He carried Reyansh to their master room and placed him in the center of the king size bed, securing a pillow to his right and left. The toddler is in the phase of crib to bed transition and much to the parents' relief, sleeps better in bed.

Tucking Reyansh under a soft quilt, He placed a goodnight kiss on the baby's forehead before dimming the lights and exiting the room.

Naira looked up, peeling her gaze from the random magazine to her hot mess of a husband entering the study, sleeves of his black shirt rolled up till his elbows and the top 3 buttons undone.

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