Bad but Good Day

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Stiles' pov

I have been working at the BAU for about two months. I've been living with Spencer... For two months.

Nothing has happened, he's started flirting back a little with me which honestly surprised me at first. Spencer doesn't seem like one to flirt, especially in front of the people he works with.

Garcia, Derek and I have gotten really close. Rossi and Hotch act like my dads, anytime I get hurt they act just like my dad use too.

Emily is my tea partner. Anytime one of us gets a hold of anything interesting BA BOOM!!!

Sent into the groupchat that has her, Garcia and I. Of course for certain stuff we only tell each other but we're very close.

The only person I'm not close with is JJ, she's been pushing away from everybody on the team, she's been being an even bigger bitch to me and she tries to be nice to Spencer but after Spencer hears what she said or what she did he won't have any of it.

I STILL haven't seen Reid naked. I know two months ago I said I wouldn't want him to see me naked unless we were doing things but I really wanna see him naked.

I just wanna touch him. Be there with him all the time. Just have him entirely to myself.

Anytime we're on a case and we get seperated I worry, I hear a gunshot? My heart stops. Last month he got hurt, it wasn't too bad but he still got hurt. BLOOD came from his body and I never want that to happen again. I know he can handle himself but I want to handle him. I don't want him to worry about taking care of himself, he worries more for me then he does himself and that's exactly what I do. Worry about him more than myself.

We've been hanging out every night we have off. He's actually been watching some of my favorite movies with me and I've been watching Supernatural with him. He said he watched the first episode while I was in the hospital and got hooked. I've already seen all the episodes but I love the show. I will watch and re-watch it with him all he wants.

"Okay, break time guys."

We've been going through all the old cases they've had for literal hours. Like 9.

I get up and go into a spare room. I've had a headache all day and I'm starting to feel nauseous and dizzy. I sit on a chair and close my eyes.

Just breathe Stiles.

Come on.

I hear the door open.

"Stilinski? Are you alright?"

Great. It's JJ, must've followed me.


I put my head down on the table.

"You look really pale, I'll go get Hotch."

Before I can say anything, I hear the door close.

Oh god.

Spencers' pov

I stayed back to continue sorting the cases of which we are going to talk about next when all of a sudden, JJ bursts into the room.

"Guys, it's Stiles!!!"

Hotch doesn't even have time to say anything before I'm up and out the door. JJ runs ahead of me with me running right begind her. Derek and Emily see us and run after us as well not knowing what's going on. She gets to the room and opens the door.

As soon as I see Stiles on the ground, my heart drops. I run to him and get down moving him so I can see is face.

"He's really pale. Stiles? Stiles?!"

Breaking A Rule (Stiles Stilinski X Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now