Where Is He?

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Stiles' pov

I have a bad feeling, I don't know why but I just do. I've had it for about 2 weeks, I got it right after Scott left. I've told Reid but he just thinks it's stress and anxiety.

"You should go for a walk."

"Yeah... I think I will, I'll be back in an hour or two."


He smiles and kisses me goodbye.

I grab a bottle of water and my set of the house keys, walking out the door and going down the elevator. I start my walk.

At about the hour mark I decide I should walk back, I start ealking back when I hear a noise coming from behind me.

I look back but see nothing, it's the middle of the day; if someone was there I'd know.

I hear another noise and look back again.

Or maybe I wouldn't know.


"Whoever is hiding this isn't fucking funny!"

I continue walking, this time. As soon as I hear the noise, everything goes black.

Spencers pov

Stiles has been gone for a while. I've been calling and texting him but he hasn't answered. Something is wrong.

I call Hotch and tell him to call everyone in and I'll meet them there.

I get in my car then drive to the BAU.

I get there and rush into the conference room.

"Where's Wonder kid?"

"Missing. Guys something is wrong, he went on a walk and he was supposed to be back an hour ago abd I've been calling him but he hasn't answered."

"Could he have turned off his phone? Or maybe it died."

"He's on his phone all the time, he wouldn't have gone if his phone was on a low battery."

"Is there anything you can think of that happened?"

"Taken? I-I don't know. He's been gping for a few weeks, talking about how he has a really bad feeling but he doesn't know what it is."

"Maybe he was being watched."

"Or maybe someone was watching you and he started noticing in the back of his head?"

"I'll call local media and get him out as a missing person, I may not like him but he's one of us."

"Thank you JJ."

He gets her phone out then walks out. I start pacing waiting for her to get back.

"Maybe you should calm down."

"I can't."

JJ walks back in, "The story will air in about 10 minutes."

There's a knock on the door. "This just got dropped off."

Some guy walks in and sets down a computer. I turn it on, after it loads, is shows Stiles and his friend tied to separate electrical fences; both shirtless.

"Oh my god."

Everybody looks.

"That's not good."

"Is that live?"

I turn up the volume.

"Stiles? Stiles?! You gotta wake up buddy."

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