You Love Him

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Spencers' pov


That was great.

I'm really out of breath though. Being top sure does take a lot out of someone.

I wake up early to take a shower. When I'm done I grab a rag and get it warm then I go to clean up Stiles. I guess we fell asleep before we could clean up.

I put on my boxers then sweatpants, I walk out and go to the kitchen to get a water bottle but I'm surprised to see Derek there. I forgot he was here somehow.

"Hello Dr. Reid."

"Hello Mr. Hale, you can call me Spencer by the way."

"And you can call me Derek."


I get my water bottle out of the fridge.

"You guys are loud."

"That was mostly Stiles."

"You smell like him too."

"That's not creepy at all."

He grumbles. I don't like this guy but Stiles likes him and I love Stiles so I don't have much of a choice.

"It's not safe to live here."

I look at him, "How?"

"If Gerard and Rafe know where you both live, others are bound to know as well."

"Stiles doesn't want to move."

"It's not all about Stiles."

"Says the one who is obviously in love with him."

"No I'm not."

"Liar, I'm a profiler. Stiles may not notice because you're his friend but I do. You love him."

"No. I. Don't."

"Why haven't you told him?"

"I don't love him."

"Still denying it, someone hurt you in you past hmm?"

"I'm about to rip your throat out with my teeth."

"With Stiles in the other room?"

He steps closer to me just as Stiles walks in.

"Are you kidding me?"

We both look at him.

"You can't get along? Please? People are trying to kill us and you guys can't even get along."

He starts pacing and talking, he's only in his boxers. He must've known something was wrong, or he's still tired

"Baby you're pacing."

"Fuck you."

Okay ouch-

I walk to him and stand in front of him, he tries to walk past me but I grab his waist.

"Deep breath okay? In...... Out."

I start taking deep breaths with him.

"Good, you're doing amazing. In....... Out."

I make him look at me, once he calms down he hugs me, mumbling against my skin a sorry before he wraps his arms around me.

"It's okay.... We still need to get your new ADHD meds."

"Can't I just stop taking them?"

"No, you tried that and your mental health went downhill."

"You suck."

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