Arsonists 2

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3rd person

Once Spencer heard Stiles snore, he waited a few minutes to make sure that he was in a deep sleep before he took his clothes off for him so he'd be comfortable and put him under the covers.

He then stood up and took off his own clothes before getting under the covers, cuddling next to Stiles; falling asleep almost instantly.

Someone starts banging on the door.

Stiles' pov

What the fuck?



"Someone's banging on the door."

He mumbles then stands up as the banging continues.


I follow behind him as he opens the door.

"Another house got set on fire so please get dressed while I go claw my eyes out because I just saw things I never wanted too."

"You know you like it." I say while putting on my boxers and tossing Spencers his."

We get dressed then rush out to one of the cars so we can go to the police station. Once we get there, we're confronted by Rossi.

"The dude isn't budging."

I'm so fucking done with this.

I walk past Rossi and go to the interrogation room. I guess the lawyer left at some point. When I open the dor he smiles but as soon as he sees my face his smile drops.

I walk to him and slam my hands on the table.

"Who the fuck did you hire?"

"I won't say."

"Well you'll say something. The guy you hired striked again, another family dead. Because of you."

He looks taken aback.

"He set a fire without me?"


"Erick Taylor. He goes by Rick."

I walk out and call Garcia.

She finds an address and we all head that way. Damn it's so late, thankfully this case got wrapped up quickly though. Deatons been gone for a long time, most likely dead by now but I won't let anyone know I think that. I'm the one who is sarcastic, not the downer. That's Sourwolfs job.

We get there, Spencer and I go together one way then Emily and Derek go the other. Spencer walks into one of the rooms then gets slammed against the wall.


Gun. Gun. Guy has a gun!!!

I grab the guy, yanking him off of Spencer and pulling hin down to the ground. The gun falls out of his grip landing a few feet away, Emily and Derek rush in.

I flip the guy over, taking a pair of handcuffs and putting them on him.

"You know what bud?"

He's still struggling trying to get me off of him but my hold is too tight.

"It is way to early for this shit, have fun in prison."

I get up pulling him with me then handing him to Derek immediately after I do so I go to Stiles and grab his face, "Are you alright?"

He nods, "I'm okay."

I kiss his head.

We get back to the station, "We still need a confession from the fire starter."

Breaking A Rule (Stiles Stilinski X Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now