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T.W.: panic attack

Tommy sat on the bed, looking at the golden apple in his hand. Techno was out mining, leaving Tommy alone in the cabin. It was boring. But the warmth of the fire helped ease the aches in his muscles. Honestly, he could almost fall asleep-

Footsteps sounded outside. Tommy tensed. Dream hadn't come by in the week Tommy had been there. But it had to be him. Techno's footsteps were ways quiet, sure footed. He walked with confidence. The person outside was loud, stumbling around in the snow, up the stairs, across the wood-

There was a knock on the door. Tommy dropped the gapple, diving into the box Techno had showed him. He had to hide. Dream was here. He was going to take him back to exile, make him destroy all his things-

"Techno?" Tommy heard Dream open the door.

The boys breath stopped. Why was Dream here? Why was he looking for Techno?

Tommy lifted the lid slightly. He saw a glimpse of a green hoodie walking past. Dream paused by the bed, reaching down to pick up the discarded apple. The masked man turned, looking around the room. Tommy watched as he paused. Then Dream left, taking the gapple with him.

Tommy let the lid close again as he sucked in a breath. Dream had been right there. He could have found him, taken him back to exile. Tommy's breathing started to pick up. He couldn't go back to exile, he couldn't-

"Tommy, I'm back." Techno opened the door.

The house was silent, making Techno frown. Usually Tommy would run up immediately, yelling about how bored he was.

"Tommy?" Techno called, "Tommy!"

"T-techno?" The piglin heard a small voice from the box.

Techno went over to the box, slowly opening it. Tommy was curled up, pale and shaking. Techno's eyes widened.

"Tommy? What happened, are you okay?" Techno asked as he helped him out of the box.

"He was here Techno, he was here!" Tommy hiccuped, "he could have- he could have-! He was right fucking here!"

"Woah, slow down." Techno told him, "Dream came here?"

Tommy nodded. The boys breathing was quick and stuttering. He was clearly still in a panic. Techno sighed softly and guided him over to the bed.

"Well he's gone now. I didn't see him on my way back." Techno said, "you're safe."

Tommy shook his head, "no, no he's coming back. He's coming back and he's gonna find me and-"

"He won't find you." Techno said firmly, "and if he does, I won't let him take you back to exile."

"I don't want to go back..." Tommy whispered.

Techno pulled him into a hug, "you're not going back. This is your home. I won't let him take you away from your home."

Tommy shivered, "every home I've had has been destroyed."

Techno gave a small sigh, "I won't let that happen."

"I trust you Techno... Please don't lie to me..." Tommy said quietly.

Techno held him a bit tighter, "I won't."

Tommy leaned heavily into Techno. He'd fallen asleep. Techno sighed softly, laying him down and pulling a blanket over his shoulders.

The piglin went to his kitchen, looking for food to make for Tommy when he woke up. Maybe cooking him a meal will stop him from stealing his golden apples. Or maybe he should teach Tommy to cook. Give him something to do other that sit around and worry.

Techno hummed lightly as he moved around the kitchen, looking for ingredients for a cake. He had eggs, sugar, buckets for milk, but no wheat. So the piglin left the cabin to grab the required milk and wheat.

Techno gave a pat to one of his dogs as he walked outside. It was a nice day, cold as always but the sun was shining. It added a layer of warmth of his face. Once Techno collected the milk and wheat, he walked back to the cabin.

As he walked in, he saw Tommy twitching in his sleep. Techno frowned, moving to the kitchen to put the ingredients down. But as he reached the entryway, he heard a scream.

Techno dropped everything, running over to Tommy. The boy was sitting up, looking around wildly as he hyperventilated.

"Techno!" Tommy sobbed, "TECHNO!"

"I'm here Tommy, I'm here." Techno told him.

"He was here Techno! He fuckin had me! He-he-!" Tommy hiccuped, throwing himself in Techno's arms, "he took me back to exile! He-he blew up everything! He killed Tubbo-!"

"Tommy!" Techno interrupted, "it was a nightmare, it wasn't real. You're safe."

"Don't let him get me Techno." Tommy whispered.

"I won't." Techno sighed softly, "I won't let him get you."

"Thank you..." Tommy said quietly.

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