Welcome Home Theseus! (pt. 2)

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"No!" Tommy jumped out

"Wha-!?" Tubbo looked around wildly.

"You- No! No! Li- No! You don't-" Tommy took a moment to catch his breath.

"What?" Dream spat.

"Uhhh..." Tubbo watched Tommy carefully, putting on his armor.

"Tommy?!" Fundy yelled.

Dream sighed, "Oh, is this Tommy? Are you invis?"

"Is that- is that-" Tubbo stammered.

"Yeah." Tommy said, "You don't need- You don't need the disc-"

"Tommy, listen." Dream glared down at him, "You fucked up, okay?! I'm- I don't like- Listen, Tubbo's gonna give me the disc-"

"No, no!" Tommy yelled, "Dream, Dream, Dream, does this sound like something I would do?"

"Yes!" Dream told him, "This is exactly what you would do! Who else would do it?!"

Techno jumped down next to Tommy, "Guys. Guys. Tommy didn't do this, okay? He didn't do this."

Dream scoffed, "Okay, Technoblade."

"That's Techno?!" Fundy yelled, "Why are you both-?!"

"Why are you here?" Tubbo finished.

"Okay, listen. Listen-" Techno started, "I- I know I'm not probably- I'm not the most reliable person to the government, but Tommy wouldn't lie to me, okay? He said he didn't do it, he wouldn't lie to me."

"He lied about burning down George's house!" Dream yelled, "He lies about anything! He's the biggest liar on the server."

"He wouldn't lie to me, Dream! He'd lie to you," Techno snarled, "but he wouldn't lie to me."

"He's the biggest liar on the server. Technoblade, I don't think this involves you." Dream said.

"I didn't want to be involved either! But Tommy ran to me, man!" Techno shouted.

"Wait, so Tommy did do this?!" Fundy asked.

"Yes, Tommy did." Dream turned to the fox hybrid.

"No!" Tommy yelled.

"So- I mean the fact that you're here, kind of proves his point. You're not where you're supposed to be..." Tubbo told him, looking into his eyes as the invis wore off.

"Yeah," Dream agreed, "you're supposed to be exiled. You're not supposed to be here."

"Yeah! We- We thought, we could-" Tommy stammered.

"Why are you here?" Dream asked, "You're breaking your exile and you destroyed-"

"I mean, you're out here accusing him of crimes, and you're sayin' just defending himself makes him guilty?" Techno questioned.

"He's not even supposed to be here!" Dream shouted.

"Oh, yeah, whatever. Laws. Cringe." Techno rolled his eyes.

Dream turned back to the president, "Listen, Tubbo, just give me the disk."

"I just..." Tubbo sighed.

Tommys eyes went wide, "You're not gonna..."

It was silent as they watched Tubbo open the enderchest. The boy made president stood up, the disk Mellohi in his hand.

Fundy gasped softly, "You're actually-?"

Tommy shoved Tubbo back, "WOAH, STOP! STOP IT! What the fuck- wha- you're not gonna give him the disk, are you?!"

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