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T.W.: major character deaths

Tubbo woke slightly as Ranboo stood from their bed in Snowchester. He shrugged it off, rolling over and going back to sleep.

A few minutes later he was woken up by sirens.

Tommy woke to Phil shaking him awake.

"What what!?" Tommy groaned as he sat up.

Phil looked at him with wide eyes, "Dream is escaping."

Tommy's eyes went wide. He jumped out of bed, rushing over to his enderchest and grabbing his armor.

"Where is he?" Tommy demanded, the Axe of Peace in hand.

"He hasn't left the prison yet. We're hoping he doesn't." Phil told him, "Techno's already there, you don't have to go-"

"I'm going!" Tommy snapped, "If Dream is getting out, I'll be there to kill him."

Tommy ran out before Phil could say another word. He ran through the portal, and the nether. The blonde sprinted down the prime path until he came to the prison.

Everyone was there.

Sapnap was on a horse, as was MichaelMcChill. Puffy, Quackity, Hannah, Foolish. Everyone in the SMP was there.

Techno saw Tommy and his eyes went wide. He ran to the boy.

"Tommy! What are you doing here!?" Techno asked.

"I'm here to fight." Tommy shot back, gripping his axe.

Techno shook his head, "no. We don't know how many lives you have. You're going home."

"No!" Tommy took a step back, "I'm fighting Dream!"

Sapnap rode up, "I agree with Techno. You should go home Tommy."

Tommy glared up at the man, "like you have any say in this. You let your best friend turn into a monster!"

Sapnap flinched back, "you're right. But that doesn't mean you have to fight. It's not your battle."

"It's always been my battle." Tommy faced the prison, "and it will be until Dream is dead."

Sapnap and Techno glanced at each other. Tommy was right. It has always been between Dream and Tommy.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled, sprinting over to the blonde, "Tommy! Please tell me Ranboo is in the Arctic!"

"What do you mean?" Tommy turned to his friend, "wasn't he with you?"

Tubbo nodded, panting heavily, "he... He got up last night... I don't know where... Where he went... He wasn't there this... This morning..."

"Techno?" Tommy turned hopefully towards the piglin.

Techno shook his head, "Ranboo never came to the Arctic."

Tubbos eye went wide, "then where is he!? Where is Ranboo!?"

"THERE!" Sapnap yelled, pointing to the water.

Everyone turned. Ranboo was swimming twords the shore...

With Dream right behind him.

Tommy gripped the axe tighter as Dream dove under the water. There was going to be a fight today, that was sure. Tommy started running to where Dream had crawled up on shore. Sapnap and Techno we're beside him as they charged Dream.

"NO!" Sam yelled, pulling Ranboo back, "DREAM GET BACK HERE OR RANBOO DIES!"

Dream turned with a wild smile, "I don't care!"

"Wait, Sam stop!" Techno yelled.

"DREAM! YOU OR RANBOO!" Sam yelled, his sword to Ranboo's throat.

"Sam stop!" Tubbo yelled, running up to the creeper-hybrid, "he has nothing to do with thi- AAHHH!"

"STAY OUT OF THIS TUBBO!" Sam threw the boy away.

"Tommy!" Techno yelled, but the boy continued chasing Dream, "Sam stop!"


"Stop!" Techno and Tubbo screamed.

Tommy didn't see Ranboo fall. He didn't see Sam stab him. Only Tubbo and Techno saw. Ranboo fell heavily to the ground, and disappeared.

Dream tripped, falling back down a small cliff. He cursed to himself, pushing himself back up again. Tommy slid down behind him.

"Dream." Tommy stalked forward.

Dream gave him a smile, "Tommy."

The blonde raised his axe, "it's time to end this."

Dream laughed, "I have the revive book! I can revive Wilbur!"

"I don't want him to be revived." Tommy said.

He swung the axe down. The netherite blade buried itself deep in Dreams chest. Dreams eyes widened in horror.

Tommy met his gaze for the first time. There was a silence. Dream slowly disappeared, drifting into the wind until there was nothing left.

Tommy took a deep breath. It was over. Dream was gone. Tommy turned back to the prison. Everyone was safe now.

He walked back up the hill, heading to where everyone was standing by the shore. For some reason, Tubbo was crying. Why? The server was free now.

Tommy looked around. He saw Techno, Sapnap, Sam, Bad. Where was Ranboo?

"Techno?" Tommy whispered, "where's Ranboo?"

Techno didn't look his way, "check your comm."

Tommy's breath stopped. He shakily grabbed his communicator. There were two death messages. One of him killing Dream... And the other...

Ranboo was killed by Sam using [Warden's Will]

Tommy slowly looked up at Sam, who was walking back to the prison.

"What did you do." Tommy said through grit teeth, "Sam! What did you do!"

The creeper-hybrid paused, "what I had to."

Tommy couldn't move. Sam had just... Killed Ranboo. Tommy felt dizzy, like the world was tilting.

Techno caught Tommy before he fell. He sighed bitterly. Ranboo would be back at home. Tubbo and Tommy would see him soon. It was time to take them home.

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