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"Are you ready Tommy?" Ranboo asked, making sure he had the boats ready.

Tommy nodded, "yeah. I've got the leads too."

"Sweet." Tubbo smiled, "let's go then. I wanna see the place where you fought Dream, and won!"

Tommy gripped his arm, "yeah."

Ranboo sighed softly, "let's not talk about Dream right now and focus on getting Henry."

"I-, um, yeah." Tubbo nodded.

"Come on, we don't want it to get too late." Ranboo said, his tail flicking.

Tommy took a deep breath, "yeah, I don't want to risk Henry dying."

"He won't die." Ranboo reassured his friend.

Tommy hugged himself, "you didn't see how steep the cliffs are."

"Cliffs?" Tubbo whispered as Tommy walked away.

Ranboo shrugged and the two started following Tommy. They started out over the water, gliding along the mirror surface. The boys slowly started chatting, about anything really. Michael, Tubbo moving between Snowchester and the Arctic Empire, other pets of the server. Until Tubbo mentioned one thing.

"Yeah, so Eret implemented this tax, right?" Tubbo started, "And we were like, that's bullshit, so Ranboo and I got married-"

"Wait, you what!?" Tommy yelped, rocking his boat slightly.

Ranboo jumped away from the splash, "Um, y-yeah. Soon after you went into the prison. We um, we wanted to tell you first..."

Tommy smiled, "Holy shit, congratulations! I would hug you, but we are in the middle of the ocean, so I will wait!"

Tubbo laughed lightly, "well, we married for tax benefits, and then we adopted Michael and... Yeah."

Tommy paused, looking at his friends with wide eyes, "I'm an uncle!?"

Ranboo burst out in laughter, barley able to keep himself from falling in the water. Tubbo managed to keep their boat upright.

"Sure Tommy!" Ranboo gasped, "you're an uncle!"

"That's awesome!" Tommy laughed.

Tubbo turned to look in front of them, his eyes widening. He stood up, startling the other two.

"What-what is that!?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy turned to see a large mountain stretch into the sky. He frowned, memories of the fight surfacing. Dream burning his disk, threatening Tubbo and Ranboo, blowing up his things. The vault, with it's deep, blackstone walls, trapping everything everyone cares about-

"Tommy?" Ranboo asked, placing a hand on his friends shoulder, "are you okay?"

The blonde snapped back to the present, "yeah, yeah. I'm fine. This.. that's Dream's vault..."

The three looked up at the mountain. It's tall peaks broke the sky like a sword.

"Well..." Ranboo breathed out, "let's find Henry."

The boys paddled up to the shore, leaving their boats as they made the climb up. Tommy was silent the entire time. He was reliving the memories he never wished to relive. He wanted to move on, why was he always dragged back?

"Tommy?" Tubbo gently pulled his friend away from where he was standing at the edge, "come on, away from the edge. Where's the entrance to the vault?"

Tommy blinked, shaking his head, "it's um, this way. Follow me."

Tommy walked past the remnants of battle. Twisting structures, a jukebox, a few enderchest scattered around. He kept his eyes away from the crater, still scorched from the TNT.

"Tommy..." Tubbo whispered, "What... What happened here?"

Tommy continued forward, "I fought Dream."

Tubbo and Ranboo gave each other worried glances. The three pushed forward until they found the blackstone elevator. Tommy hesitated getting on. Maybe it was too much too soon. Far too soon. Tommy took a step back, his breath coming quickly.

"Tommy? Are you okay?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm-!" Tommy flinched back, "I'm fucking fine!"

Tubbo stepped up to the blonde boy, "Tommy, breathe. It's okay. We're here with you, you're not alone."

Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hands, squeezing them lightly. Tommy took a deep breath. Gently, Tubbo guided Tommy into the elevator. Ranboo found the button that started the elevator down, jumping on just in time.

Tommy held tightly to Tubbo as the elevator stuttered down to the ground. It was darker than he remembered. He saw the spot where dream had cowered from him. Tommy almost smiled, reliving the moment where he almost killed Dream for good. Where he took two lives. Where it was almost over.

"Tommy look!" Tubbo pulled him down the hallway, "Henry's here!"

Tommy looked up, seeing his cow. He ran over to the animal, hugging him tightly.

"Henry!" Tommy smiled, "don't worry buddy, were getting you out of here."

Ranboo smiled, walking up, "come on, let's get him home."

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