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Tommy sighed happily as he leaned back against Friend. He had both his disks, a house, a life. Dream was gone and everyone was safe. Everything was perfect.

Techno walked in, walking over to one of Tommy's chests. Tommy didn't mind though. It was normal for them to borrow each other's resources.

"Hullo." Techno said.

"Hey Tech." Tommy smiled lightly, "whatcha looking for?"

Techno hummed, "got any birch?"

Tommy stood, making Friend bleat as he woke them, and walked over to another of his chests, "planks or logs?"

"Either one." Techno shrugged.

"Okay." Tommy tossed him a stack of planks and half a stack of logs.

"Thanks Tommy." Techno nodded to him, "so uh, I heard you went up against Dream, how'd that go?"

Tommy shrugged, "it wasn't that difficult. I mean, after I got my spare armor killing him was easy."

Techno tilted his head, "what happened to your armor? Didn't you have enchanting bottles?"

Tommy gripped the edge of the chest tightly, "he threatened Tubbo and Ranboo. If I didn't give him all my stuff he said he would-..."

Tommy cut himself off, moving to sit by Friend again, "it doesn't matter. Everyone's safe now."

"Tommy, it does matter." Techno told him, "you were so proud of that armor- you mad with yourself!"

"Those who have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold." Tommy recited, "Tubbo is my best friend, despite everything, he's don't more good to me then bad. And Ranboo's been nothing but kind to me, even if I tease him a lot... He gave me an allium the first time we met... Their lives are worth more than some replaceable armor."

Techno smiled softly, "you really have grown a lot since I first came here. And yet you're still the same kid."

Tommy huffed, "I'm not a kid!"

"Mhm, sure Tommy." Techno nodded.

"I'm not! I'm not a kid!" Tommy insisted, turning on Techno.

Techno chuckled, "Phil made hot chocolate and cake to celebrate."

Tommy gasped, running out the door, "really!?"

Techno shook his head, "still a kid."

"Phil!" Tommy called as he ran into the olders house, "Techno said there was cake!"

The winged man laughed as Tommy ran up to him. Ranboo walked out from the kitchen, smiling softly.

"Oh, hey Tommy." The enderman waved.

Tommy frowned, "Ranboo."

Ranboo's tail dropped, "and he's back to it again, okay."

"Be nice." Phil told him as Tecno walked in, "Ranboo helped make the cakes."

"Wait there's multiple cakes!?" Tommy gasped.

"Yeah!" Ranboo perked up, "I can do this thing where I can duplicate cake slices."

"Oh my god, you have to show me!" Tommy smiled, following the enderman into the kitchen.

Phil watched them with a smile, "so how is he?"

Techno shrugged, "he seems okay. He won after all. I think he's just happy everyone's safe and he has his disks."

Phil nodded, "best result he could have gotten. I'm glad no one was hurt."

"Well, Dream lost two lives but..." Techno rolled his eyes.

Phil frowned, "honestly? I think it's a good thing. Tommy got some revenge, and Dream got knocked down a few pegs."

Techno have Phil a look, "and if he was like you?"

"Then we'd be in the same position we are now." Phil said, a dark look in his eyes, "Tommy gets his disks and revenge, and Dream is gone."

Techno stayed quiet. Phil wasn't wrong but that was more morbid that he thought the older could be.

"Phil!" Tommy cried, running out of the kitchen, "Ranboo's doing witchcraft!"

"It's not witchcraft!" Ranboo laughed, holding a full cake.

"Then how the fuck did you do that!?" Tommy yelled from behind Phil.

Ranboo shrugged, looking down at the cake, "I dunno."

Phil laughed. And just like that he was back to his calm, layed back personality.

"I say we just enjoy the cake, you know?" Techno said, "I mean, cake is cake, I'll take what I can get "

Tommy barked out a laugh, "like when you ate the first cake I made!?"

"It wasn't that bad." Techno shrugged.

"It was awful!" Tommy laughed.

Phil smiled softly, "well these cakes are magical and are well made, so come eat."

Tommy nodded, running off to the kitchen where Ranboo was already starting to cut the cakes. Techno and Phil followed them. Soon, the small Arctic Empire was seated around the table, laughing and talking. They never wanted it to end.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Phil got up to open it, surprised to see Awesamdude standing in the doorway. He put on a smile.

"Hey mate. What's up?" Phil asked.

"Is Tommy here?" Sam asked.

Phil frowned slightly, "yeah? What's wrong? Did-did something happen? Why don't you come in, it's freezing outside."

Sam gratefully stepped in, "it's just... I need to talk to Tommy about something."

"What about?" Tommy called from the kitchen as he shoved a bite of cake into his mouth.

Sam looked at the boy, hesitating before saying, "Dream wants to see you."

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