Not That Bad

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T.W.: blood, cut

Tommy frowned at the stove. Techno wanted him to try and cook. Currently, the piglin was sorting his chests downstairs.

Tommy looked at the ingredients for a cake, then at the instructions Techno left him. It didn't seem too hard. Especially not for a big man like him.

The boy mixed the ingredients, poured the batter, and placed it in the oven Techno had preheated for him. Tommy smiled as he closed it. Cooking was easy!

Tommy started humming to himself as he turned to start cleaning. He didn't realize how relaxing it was. The water was warm, and the smell of cake was starting to fill the room. Tommy could feel himself relax.

Tommy placed an clean bowl on the counter to dry. As he pulled his hand back, a knife fell into the sink.

"Shit!" Tommy hissed, pulling back as he examined a cut on his hand.

It was bleeding quite a bit, but didn't seem too deep. Tommy grimaced, taking his bandana and tying it tightly around his hand.

"Tommy?" Techno came up the ladder, "are you okay?"

Tommy smiled, "I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?" Techno asked.

Tommy nodded. Techno frowned, walking over to him. Tommy's breath hitched. For a second, he didn't see Techno. He saw Dream.

"Don't hurt me!" Tommy yelled, putting his hands up to cover his face.

Techno stopped short, "I won't. What happened to your hand?"

Tommy covered his injured hand, "it's just a cut. It's not that bad."

Techno sighed, "show me your hand."

Tommy hesitantly held out his hand. Techno took it, carefully untying the now soaked bandana. The piglin sucked in a breath.

"Tommy, this is very bad." Techno told him, "stay here, I'll get you a health potion."

Tommy nodded, closing his fist around the bandana to try and stop the bleeding. Techno went down to his chests, searching for a moment before finding a potion. He went back up to find Tommy attempting to take the cake out of the oven.

"Tommy!" Techno yelled, running over to take the cake from him.

Tommy jumped back, "I'm sorry!"

Techno sighed softly, placing the cake on the counter, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. But what were you thinking?"

Tommy shrugged, "the cake was ready."

Techno rubbed his forehead, "you're injured Tommy. You could have made it worse."

"Oh." Tommy said.

Techno just sighed. He sat Tommy down at the table, taking his hand again. The piglin hummed as he cleaned the wound. How did Tommy not think this was bad?

"Drink this." Techno passed the potions to Tommy.

Tommy nodded, sipping the potion as Techno continued to clean the cut. The piglin watched carefully as the cut started to knit itself together.

Techno hummed, "I thinks it's good now. How does it feel?"

Tommy flexed his hand, "better."

"Why didn't you think it was that bad?" Techno asked.

Tommy shrugged, "Dream stabbed me once- on accident! On accident! And, um, he didn't even give me a potion or anything. So I just dealt with it myself. A little cut like this didn't bother me."

Techno sighed, "Tommy, that's not normal."

"I don't think anything about me is normal anymore." Tommy whispered.

"Well you made a pretty normal cake." Techno gave him a small smile, "why not go finish it?"

Tommy gave a small smile back. The two stood up, making their way to the cooling cake. Techno got out the necessary tools, which ended up being some spoons as he didn't have any frosting tools. Tommy grabbed some berries out of a chest, placing them on the counter.

The two worked in silence, spreading the icing over the not quite cooled enough cake. The frosting melted and dripped down. Techno and Tommy started panicking as they were unable to keep the icing on the cake.

"Techno what do we do!?" Tommy yelled, trying to scoop the frosting up the sides.

"I dunno!" Techno told him, "try putting more on?!"

"That's what I've been fucking-!" Tommy screamed as a huge glob fell off, "Techno!"

"What do you expect me to do about it!?" Techno asked.

Tommy started laughing, "I don't- I don't know..."

Techno chuckled, shaking his head, "you're as idiot."

"Hey!" Tommy whined.

Techno smiled, placing the berries on top of the cake, "at least you made a cake."

Tommy smiled softly, "I did do that. Of course I did that! I'm Tommyinnit! The biggest man ever!"

"Uh-huh, sure." Techno rolled his eyes as he walked out of the kitchen.

Tommy huffed and crossed his arms, "I am!"

Techno smirked. Perhaps the child wasn't as annoying as he first thought. Maybe he'd let him know soon...

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