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Tommy glared down at the ghosts wondering around the Arctic. He wasn't mad at them, no. He was angry at the world in general. Everything had to be ripped away from him when he almost had it all.

It was Sam's fault. Sam is the reason Dream got away with killing him, escaping. It was even Sam's fault that Tommy couldn't kill Dream in his vault! Sam got in the way of everything Tommy had been working for. And Sam took one of Tommy's best friends.

It was time to give Sam what he deserves.

Tommy pushed himself away from the balcony fence, marching over to his desk. He'd figure out a way to hurt Sam the way he hurt Tommy. Sam needs to face consequences for his actions.

"Tommy!" Ghostbur popped up beside him, "I'm going to take Friend out for a walk with Ghostboo!"

"Alright." Tommy didn't look up from writing his plan.

"Thanks Tommy!" Ghostbur smiled, "we should be back by nightfall! If you need Friend back sooner just message me, okay?"

"Okay." Tommy nodded, then paused, "hey Ghostbur?"

"Yeah?" The ghost stopped halfway out the door.

"How attached is Sam to the prison?" Tommy asked.

Ghostbur shrugged, "I heard he was closing it down. Why?"

Tommy shook his head, "nothing. Go for your walk, I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay!" Ghostbur smiled, zipping down the ladder to friend.

Tommy hummed. So destroying the prison wouldn't hurt Sam. He had to think of something else. Something that would hurt Sam, shake him to the core and make him regret ever hurting Tommy. Something that Sam loved more than himself.

An idea sparked in Tommy's mind. It would require careful planning as to not reveal his true intentions, but it could work. With this plan, he could make Sam feel what he felt when Ranboo died. What Tubbo felt when Ranboo died. Then Tommy could work on making Sam feel what he felt in the prison with Dream.

But that would be later. Tommy wanted Sam to grieve. To hurt emotionally. Tommy couldn't physically hurt him afterwords.

All Tommy wanted was a peaceful life with his friends. Dream took that from him. And right when he was about to get it back, Sam took it again.


The blonde looked up to see Phil standing in the doorway. He looked tired.

"Phil." Tommy sat up more, "what are you doing here?"

Phil let out a sigh, "can you try talking to Tubbo? Neither Techno or I can get through to him. It's been four days and he's barely eaten. We're getting worried."

Tommy set down his quill, "yeah, I'll try and talk to him."

Phil nodded, "he's in Ranboo's house."

Tommy stood up, walking out the door and making his way towards the enderman hybrids old house. Ghostboo didn't seem to care for it anymore. He didn't seem to care about anything anymore.

Tommy pushed open the heavy door, "Tubbo!?"

There was no response as the door swung shut behind him. Tommy made his way up the stairs. That's where he found Tubbo. Curled up on the bed, unmoving.

"Tubbo..." Tommy sighed, moving to sit by him.

Tubbo didn't move. Not even so much as a twitch.

"Techno and Phil are worried, you know." Tommy said.

"I know." Tubbo whispered.

Tommy was silent for a moment, "you can't stay here forever."

"I can't go back to Snowchester." Tubbo told him, "it's too close to the prison. We had a mansion there..."

"We could get him back." Tommy said, "if we find Dream's ghost and get the revive book-"

"It's not going to happen." Tubbo sighed, "he'd never give it up. Ranboo's gone... He's gone..."

Tommy swallowed back tears, "I'm sorry Tubbo... I'm so sorry... I promise I'll make this right... I promise."

Tubbo sat up and leaned on Tommy's shoulder, "it'll never be right..."

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