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"Alright Tommy," Techno turned to the boy, "Are you ready to start trainin'?"

Tommy's eyes went wide as he choked on his breakfast. Techno chuckled lightly at the boys surprise.

"You-!" Tommy coughed, "You're actually going to start training me!?"

Techno nodded, "yep. And to start, you're going to build a house."

Tommy paused from where he was hitting his chest, "what?"

"You need your own place." Techno shrugged, "you're pretty much completely healed, and gathering the materials will help you build your strength. And it'll be completely yours. You allow people in, or kick them out."

"All my own..?" Tommy whispered.

"All yours." Techno smirked, "as long as you build it yourself."

Tommy jumped up, "that's easy-!"

"And!" Techno interrupted, "you have to gather all the materials yourself too."

"What!? That's ridiculous!" Tommy whined.

"Not really." Techno started clearing the plates, "your house, your materials, your build."

"But it's so much work!" Tommy whined.

Techno sighed heavily, "that's the point. You'll have a bigger sense of accomplishment when it's finished."

Tommy grumbled, "fine. I'll get the fuckin materials myself."

"Good. I look forward to seeing it finished." Techno told him.

Tommy huffed, "I'm going to get wood."

"Be careful." Techno told him as he left.

"Yeah, yeah." Tommy waved him off as he walked out the door.

The blonde walked out into the snow. He was glad for the warm clothes Techno made him. It was a thick, red and white jacket that mimicked his iconic shirt, and lined with rabbit fur that poofed around his neck. He'd also gotten thicker trousers, and warm hand wraps.

Tommy pat one of the dogs that he and Techno snuck to L'manburg for. He smiled at that. But why didn't Techno just get another dog?

The boy walked over to the small forest by their house, summoning his axe out. He started chopping down trees, grumbling to himself the entire time.

"Stupid Techno, making me chop down the stupid trees." Tommy huffed as her collected the wood


The boy jumped, his head snapping up to see a transparent figure walking towards him.

"Ghostbur!?" Tommy gasped.

The ghost laughed, "hi Tommy! What are you doing by Techno's house?"

Tommy shrugged, starting to chop another tree, "I live here now. Where have you been?"

"Oh I've just been around." Ghostbur smiled, "why did you leave Logstedshire?"

Tommy's grip tightened on his axe, "Dream blew it up. Didn't you see the crater?"

Ghostburs smile dropped, "what? Logstedshire... But why would Dream do that!?"

"It doesn't matter Ghostbur!" Tommy yelled, "I'm here now and I'm building a house."

This seemed to brighten Ghostbur's mood. He summoned his own axe and started chopping another tree.

"I'll help!" The ghost told him, "I help rebuild New L'manburg! I can help with your house!"

Tommy gave him a small smile, "alright."

The two worked in not so silence. They talked, and threw quips at each other. Tommy managed to find some sand and gravel to make concrete. He decided to make his house similar to Techno's. And after a particularly interesting battle with a skeleton where Tommy just screamed and Ghostbur laughed, they had the required materials for the house.

"Ghostbur?" Tommy said, "if Wilbur were revived, what would happen to you?"

The ghost seemed o think about this for a moment, "I think I'd go to limbo."

"Limbo?" Tommy asked.

Ghostbur nodded, "I'm not really sure what's it's like, but sometimes I can hear a train..."

"Okay Ghostbur!" Tommy smiled at he put the concrete away, "let's get back."

"Back where Tommy?"

The cool voice sent a chill down Tommy's spine. The boy turned to see fully enchanted netherite and a porcelain white mask. Tommy couldn't move as Dream walked up to him.

"What are you doing out here?" Dream asked, his mask tilted slightly, "this isn't exile."

Tommy summoned his shield, "fuck you Dream! I'm not going back!"

Dream laughed, "Tommy I don't care where you are! As long as I know where you go, you can go wherever you want! Except L'manburg of course."

"Get the fuck away!" Tommy swung out with his axe.

Dream caught the blade with lightning fast reflexes. But it wasn't quite fast enough. The tip of the axe had caught Dream's mask, knocking it ever so slightly to the side.

Dream glared down at Tommy with his revealed eye, "Don't hit me."

Tommy felt panic rise up in his throat. He wrenched his axe out of Dreams grip and sprinted back towards Techno's cabin. He didn't know if Dream was following him as he stumbled out into the clearing. Techno's cabin was so close. And Techno himself was outside.

"Techno!" Tommy screamed, running to the piglin, "Techno! Techno! Dream-! He's here! Tech- he's here Techno!"

"What!?" Techno asked as he caught the panicking boy, "Tommy, slow down, I can't understand you."

Tommy shook his head, hiding in Techno's cloak. The piglin scanned the forest. He saw Ghostbur walking toward them, a worried expression on his face. But there was no one else.

"What happened Ghostbur?" Techno asked as the ghost came closer.

"Well, Tommy and I were getting materials for his house, and we were about to head back but then Dream showed up." Ghostbur explained.

Techno sighed, "alright. Get inside, I'll make some hot chocolate."

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