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Tommy woke up slowly for the first time in months. He felt the slight chill of the Arctic, along with the warm sunlight streaming through his window. Tommy curled up under his covers. He didn't want to move for the next week.

The sound of his door opening drew Tommy's attention. Maybe it was Techno coming to look for materials? Tommy let out a shakey sigh. Techno... He hadn't seen him since he went in the prison.

Tommy got up, making his way slowly out of his room. But it wasn't Techno who was there.

"Tubbo..." Tommy whispered to the boy standing in the middle of the room.

Tubbos breath hitched, "T-Tommy?"

The blonde nodded. Neither of them moved for a moment. The Tubbo ran up and hugged Tommy.

"We- you-! We thought you were dead!" Tubbo cried.

Tommy nodded, "I was. Dream he... He killed me..."

"How are you- how are you here!?" Tubbo asked, pulling away to look at Tommy.

"Dream revived me." Tommy told him.

Tubbos face fell, "he- revived?"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Tommy shouted, turning his head.

Tubbo saw the large scar on the side of his head. It looked like it had just healed. A clear sign that Tommy did die.

"You... You died..." Tubbo whispered, "we um, we built a grave for you..."

"I don't care." Tommy said.

"Have you seen Techno!? Phil!?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy shook his head, "I saw Phil yesterday, but not Techno."

"Then let's go see Techno." Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand, "come on, he'll be happy to see you, I promise."

Tommy just nodded, letting Tubbo pull him out of the cabin. The two walked across the deck to Techno's cabin. Tubbo opened the door, and Tommy was hit with the familiar smell of Techno's cabin. The scent of cooking potatoes and a warm fire. Comfort. It made Tommy relax.

"Techno!" Tubbo called, letting go of Tommy's hand, "Techno!"

"I'm comin, I'm comin." Tommy heard Techno huff, climbing down the ladder from his room.

The piglin landed on the floor. He turned to the boys, his eyes widening when he saw Tommy.

"Tommy?" Techno whispered.

Tommy hugged himself, "hi Techno."

Techno immediately pulled Tommy into a tight hug, "you're alive."

Tommy's eyes filled with tears, "am I?"

"You are." Techno told him.

"I don't- I don't feel very alive." Tommy cried softly into Techno's shoulder, "he killed me Techno, he fucking killed me."

"I know Tommy, I know." Techno said softly.

"I don't want to die again Techno." Tommy started shaking in Techno's arms.

"I won't let that happen." Techno told him.

"None of us will." Tubbo took a step forward.

Tommy let out a small sob. Techno just continued to hold the boy. He couldn't imagine the hell he went through. Killed by his abuser in a small obsidian box...

"Are you physically hurt?" Techno asked after a few moments.

Tommy shook his head. Techno sighed softly.

"Okay." Techno nodded, "why don't we go visit Phil? And I think Ranboo is there too."

Tommy just nodded. Techno and Tubbo guided him out to Phil's cabin. Phils cabin was warm, and smelled like tea and cake.

"Tommy." Phil's eyes went wide as the three walked through the door, "I wasn't expecting you to be up so soon, I- are you okay?"

Tommy shook his head, "no, I'm so not okay Phil. I'm so not okay..."

Phil gave him a small smile, "why don't you sit down, I'll make some tea for you."

Tommy nodded, sitting at the table. Ranboo came out, holding a plate of cookies.

"Hey Tommy, how-how are you feeling?" Ranboo asked, sitting next to him.

Tommy shrugged, "I dunno."

Ranboo nodded, "well, um, I-I was thinking, you know how Henry was is still in Dreams lair?"

Tommy nodded, "yeah?"

"Well, would you, I mean if you want to, do you want to go get him?" Ranboo asked, "Tubbo and I were talking about it after you um, yeah, but now you're here! So..."

Tommy managed a small smile, "okay. We'll go get Henry."

Phil came in with a tray of mugs, "that sounds like a great idea. You can get out, get Henry. Wasn't he your first pet?"

"Third." Tommy corrected, "I had two cows before him. One was killed by Sapnap. But Henry's my favorite."

"You have a strange taste in pets." Techno said, taking a cookie.

"Says the one who has a polar bear!" Tommy laughed.

"Hey, don't hate on Steve." Techno smiled softly.

"At least they're animals." Tubbo shook his head, "Techno and Ranboo have enderman."

"You do too!" Ranboo nudged his platonic husband, "remember Oobnar!?"

Tubbo went silent, "shut up."

The boys laughed. Phil smiled softly. They'd be okay. Tommy was back, and he was already recovering. With everyone's support, they'd be okay.

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