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"Tommy? Wake up."

Tommy gasped as he scrambled up.

"You're back." Dream whispered, "... Hello...?"

"H-hello...?" Tommy blinked as things came into focus.

"You okay?" Dream asked.

Tommy lashed out, hitting dream as he jumped back.

"Ahhh..." Dream laughed lightly, "So, what was it like?"

"What was- Wha- What was what like...?" Tommy stammered, trying to make sense of the bright light that suddenly enveloped him.

"What was it like?" Dream smiled behind his mask, "I don't know..."

"Well- It- A- Void. I- It was dark. It was all dark." Tommy jumped as he heard one of the elder guardians, "What are those sounds?!"

"It was dark?" Dream asked.

Tommy nodded, "Yeah..."

"Well- Were- Were others there?" Dream pushed slightly closer.

"Yeah! There was- There was- No- There was- There was Schlatt...?" Tommy rambled, still trying to make sense of everything, "There was Schlatt. There was Mexican Dream-"

"You saw Schlatt! You've talked to Schlatt?" Dream laughed, "What is- How is Schlatt doing? What- What happened?"

Tommy sucked in a breath, "He's been- He's been very asleep. He's so much- There's so much- So many more drugs than just alcohol. ... And it- And it- And there's Mexican Dream-"

"What did it feel like?" Dream asked.

"What did it feel...?" Tommy shook his head, "What did what feel like?"

Dream shrugged, "Like death?"

"You- You fuck- You're a fucking monster." Tommy spat, "It felt-!"

"What- I- No. What did it feel like? No one- You- No one has ever- Tommy." Dream took another step closer, ,No one has ever been dead and been back! I- I would- I was honestly, I was kind of scared that it wouldn't work, but..."

Tommy's eyes widened, "You were scared that it wouldn't work?!"

"Well, I mean- I- I never tried it." Dream shrugged.

"Death was- Dea-" Tommy paused, "Death was- Death was- It wa- It felt like my body was- was taken apart and put back together again. And then put back apart again here. I felt stretched, man. Is this-"

"This is real! What-" Dream laughed as Tommy weakly punched him.

"Pinch me. Pinch me!" Tommy cried.

Dream reached out an pinched Tommy's arm.

Tommy screamed, scrambling back from the masked man, "DON'T-! NEVER DO THAT! DON'T EVER DO THAT! No, you-"

Dream walked closer, "Well, you-"

"NONONONO-" Tommy sobbed.

"Okay! I'm-" Dream started backing up, "LOOK OUT! Look out! The lava! The lava."

Tommy turned sharply, seeing the wall of lava behind him. He backed up quickly, still keeping his distance from Dream.

"Wait, so- So- Okay, so, you said- Who else was there?" Dream backtracked.

Tommy looked at the ground, "There was Mexican Dream. He was there. Which was confusing. He was loud. And then- There wa-... There was Wilbur. Wilbur-"

"Hm." Dreams head jerked up, "What was Wilbur like?"

Tommy started pacing the small cell, "Are you- Wilbur- ... You- Do you remember what Wilbur was like? Here?"

"Yeah! Wilbur was awesome!" Dream laughed.

Tommy stopped, "What...?! Wilbur was not awesome...! Wilbur is not awesome! Wilbur never will be awesome!"

A loud sound echoed through the prison, making Tommy scream, "THE FUCK WAS THAT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! We're- We're still in the- We're in the prison."

"Yeah, nothing- nothing has changed. Everyone thinks you're dead. Well, I mean, you were, but-" Dream shrugged.

"I was dead. I was-!" Tommy looked up, "You killed me!"

"Just tell me one more time! Tell me- Tell me one more time!" Dream begged, "What was it like? Like- I- When you died. When you died. What did it feel like?"

"It felt..." Tommy sighed, holding his arms, "I felt like I was- like I was shredded to dust."

"Did it feel good?" Dream asked.

Tommy shook his head quickly, "No...! No. It didn't feel- It felt like I was put through a shredder, but there was no blood, there was no flesh. It was just essence. Like a powder and I was put through it and then I came out and then I was in a- a long- a long hole. A tu- tunnel of black and void and- not even black! Just colorless!"

"I tried to give you... I tried to give you time to- I wanted to ask you questions, I tried to give you time to think about-" Dream started.

"You gave me so much time!" Tommy hissed, "I was in there-! You LEFT ME-! HOW LONG- Where's Tubbo! How long have- I was in there for months! You gave me so much time!"

Dream took a step back, "Tom- What?!"

"Where's Tubbo! Where's- Where's-" Tommy resumed his pacing, "Where's Techno! Where- Where's- Where's Phil! Where's Phil!"

"Wait, Tommy, you were in there- How long have you were in there for?" Dream asked.

"Where's Phil?! Where's Phil?!" Tommy continued, almost hyperventilating.

"How long have you were in there for?" Dream said, making Tommy's head snap up.

"Mon- I- The- A month? A month or so- two mon-?" Tommy shook his head, "Where's Phil! Where's Tubbo! Where- Where're the people! Where-"

"Okay, you're saying that- Tommy, you were there-" Dream started.

"Where's Techno! Where's Sam! Where-" Tommy gasped.

Dream sighed sharply, "Tommy, you were there for two days, Tommy."

The boy went quiet, staring wide eyed at the masked man. Two days..?

"Did it- Did it just feel like two months or was it all like actually two months!"

"How long was I there-?" Tommy mumbled, "You ki- I remember you killing-"

"You were there for two days!" Dream yelled.

"I remember your fists." Tommy gasped, "Smacking me around, you smacking me to death. I remember- I remember the- the- the final punch and falling to the ground. And that's all I remember. Is that right? And then I- and then-"

"Tommy?" A voice came from the lava.

"Sam..." Tommy whispered, "Sam! SAM! SAM GET ME OUT! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE SAM! SAM!"

Tommy fell to him knees, shaking slightly, "Sam please... Please please, get me out..."

"Tommy I'm coming over, hang on." Sam called.

Tommy let out a sob. He was leaving. He was getting out.

The lava drained, and almost immediately Sam was coming over on the platform. The creeper-hybrid couldn't believe his eyes. Tommy was alive. He quickly scooped up the boy, taking him to the platform.

"Hey Tommy, it's okay, it's okay." Sam reassured the boy.

Tommy held tightly to Sam's arm, "get me out of here..."

"I will." Sam nodded.

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