Chapter 7

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When she reached her bedroom she just fell on the bed, she was excited. Being one of the mobs made her feel so different and so relaxed. She didn't have to worry how she looked, nor what she did, with whom she was, where she would be. It was all so different and relaxing for her. She remembered how she had got Goosebumps all over her body when VC's breath had touched her ears. How she had wanted to stay like that all her life and be his Sai.

She had to share it with someone so She excitedly called Trishna.

"Hey Trish.. Guess what... I went for a movie..." she said as soon as she picked up.

"Ohh wait wait... what happened.." Trishna said getting confused.

" I went to watch a movie... " Sai said controlling her pace.

"And... what's the big deal with that?... It's what you have done all your life" Trish said as she couldn't understand how watching a movie would be the cause of so much excitement in her.

"No No... You are not understanding... I went for a movie in a normal movie theatre in Mumbai... where actual people go to watch the movie..." she told her in an excited tone...

"Wow.. and how were you able to do that...?" Trishna asked her amazed.

"VC helped me... he took me to the theatre.. it was awesome.. all the people were busy with themselves or the movie... they didn't even noticed me... i was sitting in between them yet nobody knew it was me... "she told her with all the animated expressions.

"Wow great... and who is VC?" Trishna asked.

"You don't know VC? I told you about him right?" she said suddenly confused

"I don't remember being told of any VC..."

"Ohhoo.. My new hero Virat Chawan... I call him VC.." Sai stated the obvious.

"I thought you were planning to stay away from.him..." Trishna says getting baffled. What does this girl want? One day she wants to ignore him the other day she goes for a movie with him.

"Yes... But when he said I would be going to a normal movie hall... I just couldn't refuse... and I am glad I didn't..."

"Very well then... I am so happy for you... So finally you realised that you like him..." Trishna said getting one step forward.

"What!! Why do you have to get to that every time? I don't like him... I don't love him... we are just co stars and to some extent friends... I am not going to be smitten by any boy coming my way... he is good looking, well mannered and all but that doesn't mean I will love him..." Sai was quite frustrated with her sister now.

"I just said what I felt... You were so excited about him that day and now you went for a movie with him... and you have never been that conversational with anyone" Trishna defends herself.

"I wouldn't have gone... I told you na it was cuz i liked the idea of going to a normal theatre... it was a totally different experience. Apart from that VC is a newbie... And I am not going to be smitten  by anyone... "Sai says firmly, somehow telling that to herself more than Trishna.

"Okay fine... you enjoyed the movie na?" Trishna said getting tired.

"Yeaahhh... and I had golgappas too.." Sai said getting excited again.

"Very well... I am happy for you then... love you..."

"Love you too... ohh by the way did I disturb you? Were you going for your class? "Sai said suddenly remembering that it was Trishna's college time.

"Ammm yeah... I was... amm... About to go for it..." Trish said hesitantly.

"So you are not in your class again... Trishhh..." Sai started to scold her.

"Bye Di... Love you" Trish immediately disconnected the call.


The next day Sai walked in the studio, she looked around people working on the sets and busy with their own works. She was heading towards her vanity when she spotted VC. He looked good yet again. She felt a smile creeping her lips, the way he was laughing she felt like laughing herself. Just then she noticed why he was laughing. She saw VC standing in the middle of a clearing holding hands with a girl. Who was she... was what Sai thought to herself.

Sai felt a strange feeling of anger seeing him holding hands of some other girl and not even that he was laughing away. She was glaring at the two through her goggles when she was interrupted by Neha.

"Everything is okay ma'am?" Neha asked dreadfully as she saw the displeased expression on Sai's face.

Sai came out of her thoughts and nodded her head as she moved forward to enter her vanity.

Neha came in to explain her, the day's schedule but Sai was quite lost in something. VC's laughing face and hands were flashing through her mind.

She was dying to pull that girl by her hair away from him and make her run for her life. But those are the disadvantages of being a celebrity, she sighed in disappointment..

"Ma'am..." Neha interrupted as she felt Sai wasn't listening to her.

"Yea " Sai looked at her frowning not liking that she interrupted her imaginations. If not in real at least she could have pulled off that girls hair off her head in her imaginations.

"Ma'am... You heard the schedule right?" She asked.

"Yes I did" Sai said in a dangerous and clipped tone.

Neha smiled at her nervously.

"Keep the script here... I will read it... " Sai said realising that it's important for her to read her script and be ready for the shoot. She smiled at her faintly.

Neha was confused though a little relaxed seeing her smile.

She turned to go out keeping the script at the dressing table. But, suddenly turned back.

"And yes Ma'am... I was to tell you that the new actress is here... she would be joining from today"

Sai suddenly looked at her interested. "New girl? Who and why?"

"Ma'am, she is here for Priya's role... that supporting character..." she tries to remind her.

"Oh yeah... That girl who supports Arjun when Anjali has left..." Sai said nonchalantly.

"Yes ma'am... The role will be played by Jiya Bhutani... and she would start her shoot from today..." Neha told her.

"Who is this Jiya Bhutani?" Sai asked frowning.

"Not much of a big actress. She had done 2 movies before both were small budget. This would be her first big project. The movies did an average business but she was a bit hyped through them." Neha gave her the details.

"Hmmm... Can she act? " Sai asked thoughtfully.

"We can say that... not too good but I think she would be decent enough for the simple role she has in the film."

"Okay... Good. Tell me if you find something new.." Sai told her and she went away.

Sai thought to herself, 'could this Jiya Bhutani be the one flirting with my VC! 


Apologies for this crap update 😐🙏🙏

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