Chapter 11

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It was evening by now and Virat was getting restless. He wanted to go and claim an answer from Sai but he remembered how rudely she had behaved with him and even he had came back like that. Going back to her again and then the way she could be talking to him. He just sat there still not able to decide whether he should go to her or not.

After some time he saw Sai passing by from that place. He looked at her wanting that she might just turn to him and at least smile at him. But it didnt seem she knew he was sitting there. But just then she turned to his side, and then she smiled. VC smiled back and just as he was about to stand to greet her, he saw Jiya coming fron behind him and going to meet her. He looked on as he saw Sai talking to Jiya still smiling. He realised that she was smiling for Jiya. That hurt even more. She was behaving normally with Jiya but she was ignoring him. What had he done. Why was she behaving as if he wasnt there.

Some time back

Sai after her shoot was sitting alone. She was feeling bad about how she had behaved with Virat . What had he done. He was just eating with Jiya. It wasnt something that big. And she realised that she need not behave like a complaining girlfriend. After all, they are just friends. Its not like she loves him or something. So she had decided to go and talk to Virat but then as she reached the entrance she saw Jiya's hand on his shoulder. And she had turned back fuming.

But that wasnt her concern now. What bothered her was her own behavior. She was confused why she was feeling this strange displeasure on seeing Virat with Jiya. She was not some conservative village girl that she should feel like this. It was obvious that people would talk and chat and spend time. But then why she over reacted on seeing Virat with Jiya. She remembered Jiya laughing at Virat 's jokes and then again she felt a rage in herself. She remembered herself and Virat laughing away. Why she thought that it was only her right to be his friend. Why she wanted to be the only one who laughs on Virat 's jokes.

At the end of her thinking session, she came to the conclusion that she was being too close to Virat which would mean harm to both her and Virat . She might be feeling Virat was special in her life but Virat doesnt think that and it was clearly. It was normal for him to talk and joke. He behaved the same with Jiya too. So that means she should just stay away from him to get her feelings under control.

So when she passed in front of Virat she intentionally tried to ignore him. As that would let her also know if she held any importance for him.

Virat saw her going away again. Everytime Sai walked away from him made him feel so empty. He wanted her. He knew he loved her. But he also knew Sai doesn't feel the same. He sighed and continued with what he was doing. He decided to talk to her when he would find it fitting.

Sai carried on with her shoot. It was past midnight now and they were still having shoots. Sai didn't know whether Virat was still there and she was feeling this urge to go and check on him and this was making her feel even more mad at herself. Her wanting to be with Virat was making her feel almost scared now. Even after seeing Virat with that Jiya and realising that she might not be all that special to him but still she wanted to be with him.

Before she could decide whether she should go to meet Virat or not. She saw him coming. She just stared at him as he emerged through the dark of the night. His white shirt made him almost glowing in that dark surroundings. She felt it was her illusion. How can somebody look so appealing in reality. And that glow he had in the dark couldn't be for real. Before she could even realise she was drooling over him. Virat saw her staring at him with dreamy eyes and his lips twisted into smirk. Which made Sai almost gasp for breath. All these reactions of Sai made Virat smirk even more. He understood that definitely he has an effect on her which maybe even she might not realise.

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