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Response of this story or Maybe first story written by  me was so less that I had literally thought of unpublishing. I had no motivation left!

But some people are truly blessing in disguise! For whom I countinued the story half heartily... Gradually the comments increased so did my interest...

It's just my gratitude :

Thank you to those who read my first chapter and asked for more.

Thank you to those who continued to encourage me throughout the entire publishing process!

Thank you to those who were patiently waiting for my update!

Thank you to those who recommend it to their friends!

Thank you to those who had commented on the book!

Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their day to read it.

A big Thank you to everyone who has sent me honest and kind words - it means more than you know.

People who are expecting Epilogues... I am sorry! I don't have any ideas coming up!

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