Chapter 17

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Suprise !!!

Owing to excitement of you all here's the next update!

Finally, the wait is over 😉.

Wait, flood the comments please!😉

That day VC had went away just like that and Sai had remained silent. For quite sometime her mind almost remained empty of thoughts and all she could remember was VC's words which somehow she had found hurting.

The way he had said that with a contempt in his eyes had made Sai feel helpless.

VC had felt bad for her, but more than that he was furious. He didnt know if the anger was for himself to fall in love with Sai or on her for behaving so stubborn. But he knew he wont be the one to tag around her anymore. He knew she wanted to be with him, but what she showed was something different. And if her ego is what is gonna drive her, he wont be the one to feed her ego.

He had loved the child in her, and the superstar didn't mean to him.


It was night and Sai was sitting in her balcony. She stared the sky as she was getting herself accustomed to the fact that tomorrow she wont have to go for shooting with VC. She was staring at the stars and trying to think what her stars wanted annd where they want to take her. Never had she felt so empty on completion of her movie. In fact on other days she would have been relaxing and pampering herself. But today she felt this dark loneliness.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes only to see VC 's face. She felt a bliss and kept her eyes closed with a small smile on her face as she felt she could be with him this way.

She saw his face and his smile, how he had pinched her nose, how he had held her hand with authority and led her out of the studio, his face while he drove her to her house. She could see him laughing with her, and even laughing at her but never had she felt bad about it. She saw VC standing in front of her in the last scene of the film, and how they had been lost in each other's eyes and his painful complaining gaze. And then- "I LOVE YOU" , the words rang in her ears and she opened her eyes in dread.

She looked around herself as if to ensure where she was. she rested on the chair back as she tried to gather what she just heard.

'Love' Did I say that to VC ? Do I really love him? Why did I say that? But it was a scene and I was just acting. I was in my character. Nooo... Stop it Sai how long wiill you fool around. And why do you want to fool yourself. You weren't even thinking of the scene at that time. All that was in my mind was VC 's eyes, and I had said that... because... Because? I Love him? Yes.. That is the reason why you felt this pull towards him.

That is the reason you couldn't keep away from him. That is the reason that you felt your world stop the first time you saw him.

And that is the reason of all those insecurities and feelings that you have been going through. She felt like a weight unburdening her heart and she knew that she was right. She took a deep breath of fresh air and felt relieved like never before. She went to stand near the edge of her balcony and looked down at the busy roads.

"Sai is in Love with her VC ..." she whispered to herself as she smiled.


Virat on the other hand was trying to sleep. He closed his eyes but even though he was tired like hell both physically and mentally. But still he couldnt sleep. Eveytime he closed his eyes he would see Sai. He threw a pillow in frustration not knowing what else to do.

Sai was now feelling all excited at her new accepted feeling. She was on cloud 9 as she had never expected herself to be in love. She had thought herself too big and had thought that nobody could match her but here she was already behaving like a love sick puppy since days together.

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