Chapter 15

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The next day was the last scene of the movie. The scene was emotional and romantic and they had to confess their feelings to each other. Today also knowing that they were to shoot together both of them weren't excited about it. They were feeling this contentment in their hearts that they would have to stay together the whole day but there was also the realisation that this could be the last day that they are together. That too when they are upset with each other.

Virat entered the set to see Sai sitting on her chair with her script and her make up people all around her. He stood at the entrance and watched her. Why was she doing this. They had been such good friends, at least that was what he thought. But then she had to act all pricey like she did with all those people around. He had thought that it was all that she wanted to be pampered but now he thought that the people were right about her. But then the previous day the way she looked at him, as if wanting to be with him wanting to be the hidden Sai he had seen in her.

Sai on the other hand couldn't understand these strange feeling cropping up in her mind because of VC. She couldn't put ends together. Why was she feeling this pull towards VC.. Why she wanted VC to be only with her.. Why seeing Jiya laughing at his jokes had made her mad at him, Why since the last few days was she addressing VC as 'her VC' in her thoughts..

She remembered the way she broke down in front of Neha and how she hadn't even took his name but she understood that Sai was talking about VC. And VC does ask about her to Neha?

Then why didn't he talk to her.. Why was he ignoring her.. She remembered how he had snatched his hand away from her grip the previous day and she felt a thorn prick her heart. And why this? Why this pain when thinking of it.

But for now she had to decide what she wants to do.. She couldnt understand that. Should she go to VC. But what if he ignores her again and pulls himself away from her just like he pulled his arm away. She remembered the pain she had felt at that time and she knew now that she wont be able to bear that again.

By this time VC was ready for the shoot. He would steal glances at Sai every now and then as he wanted to savour all these moments which seemed to him as maybe the last day of shoot with her. Just then Jiya came from behind.

"May I have your 5 minutes Mr. Virat Busy Chawan." She asked smiling widely at him.

"Of course... How are you ?" he smiled widely as he realised her standing beside him.

"Amm... You were reading your script?" Jiya asked smiling naughtily as she had seen him staring at Sai though the emptiness in his gaze made her confused.

"Yes I was just reading this..." he said looking into the script for the first time only to notice that he was holding the papers upside down. He was dumb struck at that and looked back at Jiya with a nervous smile.

Jiya was holding herself from bursting out into laughter.

"Okay fine... I understood... Now don't do that" he said pointing at her lips which were ready to burst open.

Jiya couldn't control herself anymore and burst out into laughter. Virat too broke into a big smile and shook his head at his sillyness as he turned the script.

Sai shook out if her thoughts at the sound of laughter and looked around. At a distance was a sight that again crumpled her heart.
'Again this girl is standing with my VC. I thought her scenes are over.. would she ever leave him alone.. and why are these two so happy.. Is there something going on between them.. Are they both a couple?' she didnt know why but she felt crushed thinking of it.

"I had thought your scenes were over.. How come you are here? " Virat asked her curiously.

" Its the last scene of the movie.. I thought I should just see the shoot. I cant miss Sai mam's performace in these emotional scenes. And who is not aware of the SIZZLING CHEMISTRY our lead pair create on and off screen" she said teasingly.
Virat felt happy and a current of joy raced through him hearing the last part. And he was now smiling.

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