The Fateful Encounter

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Dearest Reader,

Society has its first event since the announcement of the Hastings betrothal. Lady Trowbridge is hosting a musical event in which the eligible young men and women of society will try to put themselves a little above their competition. It will no doubt be a mix of moderate talent and earache.

This author wonders if Prince Friedrich will make an appearance after his heartbreak. I'm sure that many of the debs and their mothers would hope so now that the Duke of Hastings is out of the picture. I also wonder if any more people realise how Lady Trowbridge's young son is the spitting image of her footman.

-Lady Whistledown

The Trowbridge residence was the very finest in London. Its location meant that it had an ample garden that others in the capital did not have. Lady Bridget Trowbridge had only recently lost her older husband but seemed to have rushed the mourning period. They'd not managed to have children until towards the end of their marriage and considering how the Earl Timothy eerily resembled the footman, rumours had been whispered.

It was almost as though Trowbridge enjoyed widowhood. She'd lived separately from her husband for most of their marriage but now she was in control of the infant Earl.

Harriet walked in on William's arm. Her mother was escorted by her father and Aunt Hilda by Henry- Uncle Edmund was never bothered about these kind of events. She supposed that once a gentleman was married he could reasonably withdraw to the club and other manly pursuits. Harriet liked society so far and hoped she would not tire of it. She didn't have much choice on that front anyway.


Benedict Bridgerton approached with a smile.

"Hello Ben," the two hugged.

"Oh and of course, a hello to Miss. Greyfair," Benedict bent down to kiss her glove.

"You have known me for far too long to address me so formally Benedict," Harriet laughed, "Congratulations are in order it seems. Brother-in-law to a Duke. Daphne must be thrilled."

"She is. Anthony is furious but mother is keeping him in line. It will be a small ceremony but you will of course be invited to the reception. At least this planning will keep mother too occupied to play matchmaker. With Daphne engaged, it's only a matter of time before she tries with me. Anthony is the one in the firing line at the moment. Please try to get his attention Harriet, I wouldn't mind you as a sister-in-law."

"I think that was a compliment. Not quite good enough for you?"

"I never said that. William, come meet my friend Sir Henry Granville."

Benedict ushered William away but Harriet wasn't alone for long.


Miss. Phoebe Carlisle was a lovely creature with her olive skin and chocolate eyes, slender and petite. She always had a smile on her pretty face and a twinkle in her eye. Harriet was often jealous of her dearest best friend as she tended to do better with the gentlemen. She personally thought that Phoebe should have been the incomparable as opposed to Daphne or Marina.

"Hello dearest friend," Harriet greeted her with a hug.

"Thank goodness you are here. Mother is making me go spare. She is trying to match me up with the ugliest and oldest men I am sure of it. Ever since Jane married Sir Stanthorpe I have been constantly compared to her. If a man is wealthy then mother approves. She does not care if he is older than Father."

Phoebe's older sister Jane had married three seasons previously to Sir Roger Stanthorpe, one of the wealthiest men in Britain and an MP with an inordinate amount of power. It was a wonderful match and one that the Baroness Eleanor never hesitated to remind her younger daughter of. She'd seemingly sell Phoebe off to the highest bidder.

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