Tea With The Queen

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Colin Bridgerton has been MIA since the shocking news of Miss. Marina Thompson's deception. It is no wonder, for the gentleman is probably still reeling from shock. Miss. Thompson must have known how good a man Mr. Bridgerton is to choose him- or perhaps known how gullible he would be.

Rumours are swirling that the Baroness Featherington wished to send Miss. Thompson away upon learning of her condition but was prevented from doing so by her husband. Lady Featherington and Miss. Thompson were seen visiting the Lockston House for Unmarried Women but were turned away. It seems that they couldn't afford the generous donation needed for Miss. Thompson's place.

No doubt that this will continue to bring great shame on the Featherington household. The return of the Duchess of Hastings, however, seemed to lift spirits at the Bridgerton home.

- Lady Whistledown

Taking tea at the palace was intimidating.

Harriet, the Viscountess and Hilda walked through the halls, led by a valet. The three had worn their finest day outfits in hopes of impressing the Queen. There was no doubt that she'd outshine them, but it was good to look right. She'd throw them out for being undressed.

"The Viscountess Greyfair, Mrs. Greyfair and Miss. Greyfair!"

The three scurried in and stopped straight in front of the Queen, curtsying as low as possible. In front, the Queen inspected them. She wore an elaborate wig decorated like a bird cage and a yellow gown that swept in front of her. Harriet did not dare meet her eye until she rose.

"Welcome, ladies. Please sit."

Hilda shoved Harriet forward so that she sat nearest the Queen before sitting on an armchair beside them. The Viscountess joined Harriet on a sofa.

"I hope that you are all suitably well."

"We are, Your Majesty," Harriet said, "We are deeply honoured to have received this invitation and are humbled by your kindness. We drink to your health."

The Queen nodded, appreciating Harriet's praise.

"Good. Good. The last time I invited a mother in here, her daughter went off with a Duke. I hope that I will have no such issue."

Harriet wisely kept her mouth shut.

"I will get to the point, Miss. Greyfair. My dear nephew has declared his hopes and intentions. Before he issues a proposal, I wish to see if you are a suitable enough bride. He already had his heart broken and I will not see that again. Only the very best marry into royalty. When I put my faith in someone, I expect them to be forthcoming in their endeavours to prove themselves."

"I do hope that I am up to the task."

"Good. You like music?"

"Very much, Your Majesty. I am told that I am excellent at voice and the piano."

"What are your other hobbies?"

"I enjoy walks when the weather permits, embroidery and wax flowers."

The Queen's dog barked suddenly.

"He is a greedy little thing," the Queen placed a biscuit in the dog's mouth.

"He is quite lovely."

The dog turned its attentions to Harriet. Its beady eyes shifted before it let out a smile and began panting heavily.

"Marco likes you. I've always found that dogs are such a good judge of character. Have you any dogs?"

"No, I'm afraid my father believes that dogs belong outside."

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