A Caller

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Dearest Reader,

Prince Friedrich put on a brave face when he arrived at the Trowbridge musical event. It seems that the dashing European prince is not letting Daphne Bridgerton ruin his marriage plans. He was polite and cordial to all ladies he spoke to but showed no special interest in anyone in particular. This author noted his polite dismissal of Cressida Cowper when she practically threw herself at him. It seems the most flirtatious debutant won't be swooning again anytime soon.

As one would expect, the talent on display was varied. The Featherington, dressed in those awful yellow and orange gowns, sounded not dissimilar to cats being strangled. Little Josie Miller sounded as though she was in pain when she attempted to hit a high note. Lady Sarah Spencer could be quite good with a little help from a vocal tutor. Marina Thompson performed on the harp admirably. Harriet Greyfair was excellent on the piano and vocals.

I suggest earplugs at the next event at any rate!

- Lady Whistledown

Harriet was in a good mood.

The musical event had been a success. Many had complimented Harriet on her piano skills and she'd even been mentioned favourably in Whistledown. Whistledown! She prayed that this would bring gentleman suitors to her door. Men liked women who had accomplishments for it made them better wives. Her own father had been impressed by her mother's watercolours when he saw them. Things like that mattered.

Phoebe had made Lord Burnley jealous by dancing with the Young brothers, so much so that he'd been practically eating out of the palm of her hand by the end of the evening. Harriet had watched them with a pang of jealousy. She was terrified of spending next season out again. The two elder Featheringtons were on their third and second seasons respectively. She didn't want that for her.

There was no way that Phoebe would be a spinster.

The Viscountess was showing Aunt Hilda the flowers in the back garden. It was a rather hot day so Harriet had decided to stay in the relative coolness of the receiving room. Goodness knows where her father and brothers were.

John had written from Eton to tell them he'd won a prize for his Latin. She did miss her younger brother as much as it pained her to say. He was the brightest out of them all. John planned to pursue a career in law and it wouldn't surprise Harriet if he became one of the most prominent legal minds one day.

If she were a man, Harriet would have been a music teacher. It was the thing she loved the most.

Just as she picked up some sheet music, Grantley the butler entered.

"A caller for Miss. Greyfair."

Harriet very nearly fell off the sofa in shock. She started to slide off and was only prevented so by grabbing the table. Dashing to the mirror, she smoothed her hair and dress as to look presentable. Harriet then nodded at Grantley.

Hands clasped together, Harriet stood tall and demure in at attempt to look prepared. Who might it be? Sebastian Earner had been most complimentary on her music. He was a nice man with a large amount of money. That wouldn't be too terrible.

"Prince Friedrich of Prussia."

Harriet nearly choked on air. Her heart beat faster than it ever had as her skin flushed a deep red. Everything that could go wrong was running through her mind. She just about managed to get a hold on the situation as Prince Friedrich came striding into the room, clutching a bunch of flowers.

"Miss. Greyfair."

"Your Highness."

She curtsied deeply, not daring to meet his eye. Was this a dream? Was she hallucinating in the heat? If she looked then maybe he would disappear into a puff of smoke. Prince Friedrich, here in her receiving room.

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