That Question

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Dearest Reader,
It seems that the Duke and Duchess of Hastings have arrived in town. The newlyweds looked radiant as they visited a garden party hosted by the Queen. Nobody could talk of anything else, especially this writer. There was lots of discussion about when an heir will be produced. The sooner the better it seems.

-Lady Whistledown


Harriet moved the vase around once again, unable to decide where to place it. The flowers were from Friedrich, beautiful daffodils because they were her favourites. She wasn't sure if they were best on the windowsill, dressing table or beside. Harriet had flittered between positions, unable to decide where to put them.

Someone knocked on the door.


A maid came in, bobbing her head, "Excuse me, ma'am, Prince Friedrich is here."

Harriet rushed to the mirror, adding a little bit of powder to her nose. She quickly brushed her hair and checked her dress.

"How do I look?"

"Lovely, Miss. Greyfair."

"Thank you Mary."

Harriet looked herself over one more time before walking as quickly as possible down the stairs. She took a deep breath before entering the room.

Friedrich was stood beside her father, looking as though they had been in intense conversation.

"Father, Your Highness," she greeted him with a curtsy, "It's a pleasure to see you, as always. I hope you are well."

"You too, Miss. Greyfair."

"I shall leave you two together," the Viscount had a sly smile on his face.

"Without a chaperone?" Harriet asked. Her mother would have a heart attack at the thought.

"I think it would be acceptable this time," the Viscount said as he headed for the door, "I shall be in my study. Have fun."

He smirked again as he closed the door. The two stood awkwardly for a moment.

"I hope that you enjoyed tea with my aunt."

"Yes, it was very good of her to invite us."

"Good, I am glad. Anyway, I am here because I wish to talk about something important."

Harriet nodded.

"Since I have come to know you, I have grown extremely fond of you. I am very glad that I stayed in England instead of going home, for I wouldn't have met you otherwise. You are a good and kind and honest woman.  I enjoy our time together. We have a shared love of music. We want the same things in life- a happy marriage with children. I imagine such a life with you. I would be a very good husband to you and I know you would be a very good wife to me. You are the most beautiful woman of the season, both inside and out. If you wish to wait to answer me, then take as long as you need. Such things often need thinking about."

Friedrich took something from his pocket and went down on one knee.

"Miss. Greyfair, I would be honoured if you would become my wife."

Harriet gasped, instinctively putting her hands over her mouth.

"I would very much like it. Yes, yes!"

Friedrich beamed and got up, placing the betrothal ring on Harriet's finger. Luckily, it fit perfectly. Harriet examined the beautiful blue diamond that matched her eyes. It was splendid without being too flashy. She would be the envy of the ton.

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