The Talk

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Dearest Reader,

The big day is almost upon us! There are high expectations for the wedding between Prince Friedrich and Harriet Greyfair. Her Majesty the Queen has promised a huge event and it would certainly be disappointing if that is not the case.

Take a moment to think of Miss Greyfair. Any good girl of good standing is taught to be both excited and nervous about her wedding day. Let us hope she has been well prepared for the day.

We are yet to see if the Featheringtons will be attending the event. They are still being shunned for hiding the shame of Miss Marina Thompson. Lady Bridgerton will no doubt wish to avoid the sight of the manipulative Lady Featherington. I can understand her anger and I am sure the ton does as well.

- Lady Whistledown

It was her last night as an unmarried woman.

Harriet lay on her bed, hair sprawled out behind her. Everything was prepared- the dress, the food, the entertainment. After the wedding they'd be moving into their own sprawling apartments given to them by the Queen. She'd be the mistress of the household. No longer would she be on the fringes of events, she'd be planning them.

Harriet would outrank everyone in her family. She'd outrank Phoebe, who would be Lady Phoebe once she married Lord Burnley in a few weeks.

Realistically, she should be excited. She'd done what was expected of her. There had been no scandal and she was marrying a wealthy man of a high rank. Harriet hadn't been forced to get married because of bad behaviour or intense family pressure. Her future husband was a kind, good man and she'd never have to worry about poverty. Harriet's life was set.

Still, she felt nervous. Everybody knew the pressures of a married woman. A married woman just lead society with her conduct and good behaviour. She needed to have children, with sons being especially important. Her children would have rank automatically and Friedrich's title wasn't one to be passed down like a Duke. Still, bearing a son was important.

Knock, knock, knock

Harriet propped herself up.

"Come in!"

The Viscountess entered.

"Hello dear."

"Mother," Harriet smiled.

"May I sit down?"

"Of course," Harriet patted a spot next to her.

"How are you feeling?

"Rather nervous but I suppose that is to be expected before such a big event."

"I was terribly nervous the night before I married your father. His mother, your grandmother, well she terrified me beyond belief. I was quite worried she'd somehow convince him to leave me at the altar. On the day it was all fine. The Dowager Viscountess still terrified me but I was married. It was a nice day, though probably not quite as grand as yours will be."

"Grandmother was a very scary woman."

"Indeed. Now, well, I wanted to erm, discuss your wedding night."

Harriet watched as her mother suddenly looked rather uneasy.


"Well your grandmother- that's my mother this time- she didn't give me much in the way of information. I was left to figure it out themselves. I want you to be prepared so that you know what to expect."

Harriet nodded.

"How much do you know exactly?"

"I know that there is an act to be performed. The act makes children when you are married."

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