A Most Unhappy Queen

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The Queen has chosen her Diamond! The lucky young lady is one Miss Edwina Sharma, fresh from Bombay and clearly already making a splash in England. It seems a rather safe choice, as Miss Edwina has beauty and good manners. No doubt the Queen will be hoping for a good match for her chosen girl.

It is clear, however, that suitors wishing to gain Miss Edwina's hand must get past a rather ferocious gatekeeper: her sister, Miss Kate Sharma. The elder Miss Sharma seems to have embraced spinsterhood and is instead focusing on getting a grand match for her dear younger sister. Some may call it loving, others silly.

One suitor who has seemingly understood the warning is one Viscount Bridgerton. The season's most eligible bachelor is often seen with Miss Sharma. Let us hope he can get past the Diamond's gatekeeper.

God forbid that the Queen has another mismanaged courtship on her hands.

Lady Whistledown

"You see what she writes about me?"

The Queen slammed the paper down hard on the table. To her side, Friedrich and Harriet looked away out of embarrassment. Lady Whistledown had not been too kind to the Queen as of late and seemed to have deeply offended her subject. The Queen was still reeling from Daphne and Simon's sudden marriage last year, despite having somewhat accepted it. This, however, was a low blow.

"A safe choice? Perhaps if there had been better options this season then I would not have had to do such a thing."

"Lady Whistledown is not reflective of court, Your Majesty," Harriet said, in hopes of appeasement.

"She may not be but her words carry influence. I am the Queen and my decision is final. Now, Lord Bridgerton, is he trying to court Miss Edwina?"

"I suppose he is if he is befriending Miss Sharma. Even if he is not, there are still men of higher standing this season. Perhaps Miss Edwina may even be a Countess."

"I have all but declared Lord Bridgerton the season's most eligible bachelor. Only the best is good enough for the girl I choose to be the incomparable. She will make a good wife to him. I have even ignored the fact her father was a commoner. Do the people no longer respect their Queen?"

Friedrich and Harriet exchanged a look. It wasn't the most pleasant tea.

"Harriet is right," Friedrich said, "You all put far too much value on this Whistledown woman."

"You are a man, you do not understand," the Queen waved a hand dismissively, "Her very words ruin my credibility. Tell me, dear princess, you are friendly with Miss Edwina are you not? Tell me what she says."

"I do not know her terribly well, I confess."

"She must have said something to you."

"I know that Miss Edwina is looking for someone who is charming and handsome and intelligent. Lord Bridgerton surely fits that criteria. Perhaps she shall be receptive to him."

"Perhaps you shall encourage her to make the right decision."

"I cannot force affection, Your Majesty."

"You will try. When I put my faith in someone, I expect them to repay me. Miss Edwina needs to prove that I have made the right decision so that Whistledown can stop using her pen to punish me. You will ensure that Miss Edwina is receptive to Lord Bridgerton. I want you to be a friend who pushes her in the right direction. You managed to marry a prince, it cannot be hard for you to do such a task. I am relying on you to make this season better. You will report back to me on your progress. Remind Miss Sharma of the faith I have placed upon her. You will do this for your Queen."

"You are being ridiculous," Friedrich protested.

"A Queen is never ridiculous. Now, good news. The marriage contract between my granddaughter and Prince Leopold is getting close."

"That is wonderful," Harriet congratulated.

"It is. Charlotte will one day be Queen of this great nation and she needs to marry. Hopefully marriage will shake some sense into that girl. Nephew, I hear nothing of any betrothals of your sister."

"She is still young, auntie."

"I was younger than she is when I married. I shall write to your mother and implore her to find my niece a good match."

"Of course, auntie."

"Now, princess, how are you faring?"

"I am well thank you, Your Majesty, though I must confess I have the strongest craving for sponge cake. It is as though I cannot get enough of it."

"You must eat heartily so that your baby may be strong. Your doctor has advised you on exercise and diet, yes? Well you need to listen to them. I did and managed to birth fifteen children. Make sure that you do not become idle during pregnancy. How long before you are in confinement?"

"It shall be a few months more."

"Good. Have you selected a nanny yet?"

"We have not."

"I shall select one for you. A good nanny is essential- they are going to be the ones the child sees the most. My own children had the finest nannies. My husband-"

The Queen suddenly stopped. Nobody said a word. Her Majesty very rarely spoke of her husband, a man who had not been seen by the world for many years. They all knew of his madness but dared not mention it to the proud queen. Harriet imagined that they must have loved each other very much to produce fifteen children- nearly double the amount that Lady Bridgerton had.

"We are having the nursery redecorated," Friedrich wisely jumped in, "It will look very nice. There is a room attached that the nanny will sleep in. We are most excited to have a child."

He squeezed Harriet's hand. She smiled back.

"I wish my own children had the same view," the Queen said, "Your children will be both a great blessing and an undue difficulty. Remember that. Eat those, dear, you need lots of fruit so that the child grows well. Brimsley, I need more snuff!"

Brimsley dashed away.

"He has his uses," the Queen placed her tea back on the saucer, "Now- have you thought of names?"

There's always that relative who is up in your business, isn't there?

Next Time: We see Harriet move out of her comfort zone to promote a good cause.

Thanks again, don't forget to like and comment x

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