Dinner at The Featheringtons

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The ton is still reeling from the unexpected news that Mr. Colin Bridgerton and Miss. Marina Thompson are engaged to be married. Even the mother of the groom and his Viscount brother looked surprised when the news was broken at the park.

I hear that the couple is seeking a special license to wed early. They say that it is because Miss. Thompson wants to join her future husband on his travels but others feel it might be for a slightly more scandalous reason.

Following his sister's footsteps maybe?

- Lady Whistledown

The Featheringtons were an...interesting family.

Baron Featherington took absolutely no interest in society or his wife. He took his solace in gambling and from what Harriet understood, his fortunes often changed.

Baroness Featherington was the most tactless mama on the market. She had not put much focus into her daughter's education or poise, dressed them in horrendous colours and threw them at any man within walking distance.

Then there were the girls. Harriet liked Penelope enough even if she didn't know her very well. Prudence, the eldest, was on her record third season and was nearing spinsterhood. Philipa was on her second season but she had attracted the interest of Mr. Albion Finch. The girls were used as examples of what would happen if you didn't marry. Without a brother or husband they'd be in trouble if something happened to the Baron.

Harriet had gritted her teeth when the Viscountess had informed her that they'd been invited to dinner. Such dinners were often large and arduous when a Featherington was involved. Still, Harriet had to play nice so she'd not said a word of complaint.

William and Henry had not been so tactful.

Right now they were sitting through the most excruciating pre-dinner performance. Prudence was singing as Philipa accompanied her on the piano. Neither was at all good. The Greyfairs sat with false smiles and tried to ignore the headaches that were coming on. Harriet snuck a glance at the Baron and saw that he looked anguished.

She snapped to attention once the music finished and rapidly clapped as the girls curtsied.

"Dinner is ready," Lady Featherington informed them, "Let us please enter the dining room."

Positions at the dinner table were by rank. The ones with the highest noble titles would be at the head of the table along with the most senior male host. Married couples would go next, then unmarried boys and then unmarried girls.

The Baron headed the table with the Baroness, Viscount and Viscountess beside them. William and Henry sat next along with the two eldest Featherington girls. Harriet found herself beside Marina and Penelope.

Lady Featherington would surely be pushing her girls on the Greyfair boys. Harriet shuddered at the thought of having them as sisters-in-law. Penelope would be fine but she couldn't stomach Prudence and Philipa.

As the starters came out, Harriet turned to Marina.

"I must congratulate you Miss. Thompson. Colin Bridgerton is a very fine man and I hope you shall be very happy together. You're a handsome pair."

"You flatter me, Miss. Greyfair. Thank you, I am very excited. I am so lucky to have got such a match. I never thought I'd be able to compete with all you Society ladies."

"Well Lady Whistledown was right to praise you. When shall we expect a wedding?"

"We want it to be soon. See, Mr. Bridgerton is planning to travel Europe and I wish to join him. I'd only be able to do so as his wife."

"How lucky you are to be able to travel."

"I look forward to France; my mother was French."

"I am rather jealous. I expect you shall have a lot of amazing adventures on the continent. Will you settle in London once you are done?"

"I believe so. Mr. Bridgerton is so close to his family that he couldn't bear to be apart from them."

"Yes they are so close."

"Do you know them well?"

"I know Benedict fairly well as he is a very close friend of William. I've been around the same circles as Daphne and Eloise but not the others. Everyone likes them though; you are blessed to be marrying into such a family. You shall be the sister-in-law of a Duchess."

"A great step up indeed."

"Well when you return to London I hope that we shall become friends. It must be so difficult arriving into London after life in the country so I hope that I can help you settle. There's a group of us who have a music circle. We do walks and other events too. It would be an honour for you to join us."

"I would be honoured to receive such an invitation, I thank you Miss. Greyfair," Marina had a lovely smile, "The kindness I have received in London is second to none."

"More than you know."

"Did you say something Penelope?" Harriet turned to the youngest Featherington.

"No, nothing," Penelope squeaked in a lie.

"I might not be the only potential newlywed at the table though," Marina continued, "I hear that you and Prince Friedrich are often together."

Harriet blushed, "I cannot be sure but I hope that things will go well. He has invited me to the palace to see an Italian composer play."

"Well surely that is a good sign. Oh look, your poor brothers are being accosted."

Harriet looked to see William and Henry looking uncomfortable as Portia, Prudence and Philipa were badgering them with questions. Both looked like deers in carriage lights.

"So they are," Harriet giggled, "Oh dear. I bet Lady Featherington will try to foist them upon the Bridgertons next."

"Believe me, she has tried."

"Better them than me."


Harriet thought Penelope seemed off but guessed that she was maybe just a bit jealous of Marina. Marina had been in London all of five minutes and had secured a match while her Featherington cousins struggled. Harriet made a mental note to try to include Penelope more often.

Hi all. Hope you enjoyed it.

Next Time: Harriet and Friedrich attend the musical performance

Thanks again, please check out The Love of A Diamond if you like this and of course like/comment.

The Prince's Heart [Bridgerton Fic]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara