Sister of the Groom

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Greyfair House was a hive of activity.

Both the bride and the groom looked thrilled. Julia's once unhappy features were now beaming with joy. After her miserable marriage and tiring widowhood, she was finally married to a good and kind man. There was no more living at her parents' home, being treated like a burden and snidely reminded that she hadn't given her late husband a son. Courtesy allowed to her also be known as Lady Julia despite her remarriage.

She couldn't wait to only see her parents on occasion.

Harriet had embraced her tightly and called her 'sister.' Julia was fond of Harriet, who had been kind to her even before the two became in-laws. To have such a caring relative made her want to burst into tears once again. They shared a kinship now. Harriet had already invited her to events. Having the favour of a princess was quite the boon indeed.

Halfway across the room, Harriet was in a small circle with her aunt and her mother.

"I cannot believe two of my children are married," the Viscountess was misty eyed, "It seems like just yesterday that they were playing in the nursery and now they're married people. I wish I could wind back time and see them as children again."

"I can't wait for mine to marry, then they'll be off my hands and they'll be their wives' problem," Hilda necked her wine, "I love them but having three young boys is a nightmare. The only reason why sons are favoured is because they can inherit. No sane person would want too many running around. I don't care if they elope when they're eighteen. Either that or they join the Navy."

The Viscountess did not say a word.

"This is marvellous cake," Harriet said, "I fear I may have eaten too much as I am beginning to feel sick."

"Agreed, dear," Hilda said, "It is marvellous. The cakes at weddings are always the best. Perhaps your mother should find Henry a wife this season."

"He is still young, Tante Hilda, I suspect he can wait a little longer."

"I would like another wedding before waiting for John to marry," the Viscountess said wistfully, "It shall be at least a decade if not more before that happens. Knowing John, he'll delay it. Perhaps Henry shall marry early, for he is a sensible boy. There will be some lovely girls this season I'm sure. Eloise Bridgerton is out soon. She's not a beauty like her sister but she's an attractive girl."

"Perhaps Miss Cowper?" Harriet suggested, winking at her aunt.

"There will be other options, I'm sure," the Viscountess answered diplomatically, "Henry will be sensible with his choice. He won't do a Colin Bridgerton, that's for sure."

"If you'll excuse me again."

"Are you alright, Harriet?" Hilda asked.

"This wine is going through me, that's all."

Harriet scuttled to the lavatory again. She could not stop going today it seemed. Whatever this wine was, it was playing havoc with her bladder. She'd be keeping it to lemonade from now on. It was hardly a polite excuse- no lady ever mentioned the lavatory in conversation.

She walked back into the ballroom. Spotting Friedrich, she walked over.

"Ah dearest Harriet I was just looking for you. Would you like a drink?"

"A lemonade would be lovely, thank you."

Friedrich almost immediately returned with a glass.

"It is quite a nice event, is it not?" Friedrich said.

"It is- elegant without being too simple. I am most pleased for William and Julia. I dare say that they shall be very happy together. All I hope is that they are as lucky with their spouse as I am."

"You flatter me. It feels like just yesterday since we wed."

"It does. Gosh, I remember how absolutely terrible riddled with nerves I was. I wish I could go back and tell myself there was no need to worry."

"I'm told that brides tend to be anxious on their wedding day- and some grooms, of course."

"Were you nervous?"

"Yes. I knew that I was marrying a fine woman and did not want to mess it up. It is also quite different when your wedding is arranged by the Queen."

"I was terrified of disappointing her."

"Aunt Charlotte favours you. You have not disappointed her-quite the opposite in fact. I think secretly she's impressed that you apparently bested her 'Diamond,' even if she won't admit it."

"I do wonder who the Diamond will be this season. Perhaps Eloise Bridgerton?"

"I am told Miss Bridgerton disdains society and dreads her coming out, though I do know how that will affect her chances. You will know the ladies of the country far better than I will. They should do well to follow your example."

"You mean marrying such a catch?"

Friedrich laughed, "No, I mean in your behaviour, though I shall take the compliment gracefully. Would you like to take a turn around the room?"

"Gladly," Harriet took her husband's arm.

Their walk was pleasant. Harriet excused herself and headed over to Julia.

"Your Highness," Julia curtsied.

"Lady Julia," Harriet greeted back, "How are you enjoying the day?"

"I am having a wonderful time, thank you."

"I am glad."

"Anything would beat my first wedding, but I am having a wonderful time here. It is nice to be marrying a good person. This time I know what to expect later."

Julia's hands flew to her mouth.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness," Julia regained speech, "That was rather improper of me to say."

"I do not have such a delicate constitution that those words would upset me. I was dreadfully nervous about my wedding night. Mother gave me an explanation that was not too insightful, but then Aunt Hilda held nothing back."

"Mother did not deem it proper to tell me. It was rather dreadful."

"Well I pray my brother treats you well."

"I have no doubt that he shall. Truthfully, I was surprised when he proposed. I thought that I was the childless widow forevermore. A woman in my position is last to be chosen, especially when I am not the standard of beauty."

Harriet frowned. Julia was pretty. Her only 'flaw' was that she was slightly more fuller figured than others.

"You are a lovely woman to look at, dear Lady Julia. Your good heart is reflected by your appearance."

"That is awfully kind of you to say. I am glad that we are practically sisters."

"We must always be good to one another. It makes no sense when women are cruel to other women. We are family now anyway and family is the most important thing."

"Yes, family is the most important thing," Julia echoed.

Hi all, hope you enjoyed it. Who else is glad to see Julia back after so long away?

Next Time: There's a scare for Friedrich and Harriet.

What will the scare be? Tell me your guesses. Thanks again for reading and can't wait to see you next time x

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