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The Carlisle butler knew Harriet so well that he'd have the door open the second her carriage arrived outside of the home. Today was no exception. She greeted him before he went to fetch Phoebe.


Harriet smiled as Phoebe came rushing down the stairs, her dark hair flying out behind her. If Phoebe's mother saw that she would certainly scold her for it. Nobody was as strict as Phoebe's mother.

"Hello Phe."

"Thank goodness you're here. Mother was making me practice my posture with books all morning. I'm so exhausted; I need my dearest friend. Mother is out visiting Jane so she'll have to deal with her for a while. Come, let us sit. Burton, tea please."

Phoebe grabbed Harriet by the hand and pulled her into the parlour.

"One of my maids is leaving because she's getting married. It's quite annoying because she's the best at cleaning my bedroom. She met some cobbler at a church dance and he proposed. I'm not surprised; she's quite pretty. I just hope Mrs. Fenton hires someone good..."

Phoebe prattled on. Harriet smiled, she was always like this. She'd have to wait for Phoebe to finally shut up before she said anything.

A maid bringing in tea gave reason for Phoebe to pause. Harriet waited for the maid to leave before she was finally ready to tell Phoebe.

"I have some news."


Harriet slid her hand across the table in order to display her betrothal ring.

"The Prince visited."

It was a moment before Phoebe finally clicked. Shrieking in delight, she jumped up and pulled Harriet off of her chair for a hug. Harriet didn't say a word as Phoebe practically squeezed her to death. No servant had come to see why Phoebe yelled so they must be used to it in this household.

"Harriet! This is such joyous news. Oh let me look at the ring. It's so beautiful; it matches your eyes. Wow, you're going to be a princess. Princess Harriet. I'll have to curtsy to you."

"Only in public."

"Tell me everything."

Harriet recounted the story to a rapt Phoebe. She couldn't help smile as she remembered it.

"Oh goodness. That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you, my dearest friend marrying a prince."

"You will be my bridesmaid of course."

"You didn't even need to ask, did you? Oh I cannot wait. I bet your wedding will be the best of all."

"Her Majesty is going to plan it so I don't think it'll be any less than spectacular. I probably won't even be allowed to choose the colour scheme."

"We must celebrate. My father stashes his brandy in the false bottom of his desk drawer."

Phoebe's smile turned devious.

"Phoebe, we can't drink brandy, it's not an acceptable drink for a lady."

"One sip. Harriet, it is not every day you get engaged. Father won't even notice. Come on, be a good sport."

"Your servants won't tell on us, will they?"

"They wouldn't dream of it."

"Fine. One sip."

"Yay," Phoebe clapped her hands together, "Let us go."

Harriet allowed Phoebe to sneakily lead her to the Baron's study. Phoebe slipped over to the desk and pushed down on it. It opened up and she pulled out a small bottle.

"We shall only have a little so Father doesn't notice. He'll blame one of the servants anyway. Would you like the first sip?"

"Go ahead."

Phoebe took a quick swig. She nodded slightly as if admiring it.

"Not bad. Here you are."

Harriet took it reluctantly. Closing her eyes, she took a swig and nearly immediately spat it back out.

"That is disgusting," she coughed, "Ugh, I shall stick to wine at events."

"You shall have plenty at your wedding," Phoebe took the bottle and placed it back in the desk, "Come dearest Harriet, let's get back to our tea and wedding talk."


Buckingham Palace

Friedrich walked through the halls with his head held high. He was thrilled that Harriet had accepted his proposal. He'd grown extremely fond of her and knew that she would be a wonderful wife. They wanted the same things- a happy, close family. He looked forward to years of music and children.

Friedrich was glad that he hadn't married Daphne Bridgerton. She was a nice girl, but he'd been pushed towards her because she was the Diamond of the Season. Daphne had married someone she truly loved. Friedrich was much fonder of Harriet. They would be a good match.

The footmen straightened up as he walked towards them; they opened the door for him.

The Queen was up immediately when she saw Friedrich. The poor dog on her lap slid onto the sofa, whereupon it was scooped up by a lady-in-waiting and fed a pastry.

"Well?!" she demanded.

"I am to be married," he smiled.

"That is excellent news indeed. I shall have Mr. Brumley fetched immediately so that we can begin planning. We shall have the ceremony in the chapel at St. James', then the reception there. I can envision a lot of flowers- a maze, a maze of flowers, I shall get that done. We will have fireworks at the end of the reception before you depart for the wedding night. Madame Moulin will design the dresses for Miss. Greyfair and her bridesmaid. I assume it will be the Carlisle girl? Yes, I thought so. It shall have the most exclusive guest list. There will be no Featherington present, that's for sure. Ah, it shall be the most talked about wedding of the season. All future weddings shall be held to that standard."

"Surely Miss. Greyfair and her family should wish to have a say."

"Nonsense, they shall be grateful for my help."

"If you are sure."

"I think you have made the right decision."

"You do?"

"Miss. Greyfair suits you well. She wants a quiet life and a family, the same as you. Her heart is good. You must remember that it will not always be easy. There will be hardships. My own marriage has seen its fair share of trials. I think you to be a sensible boy so you will act with caution. Miss. Greyfair is the same. I am a very observant person, as you know, I am always right."

"Of course. I am very pleased that she has agreed to be my wife."

"You're a prince, only a fool would reject you! You need to write to your mother."

"Yes, I know."

"Well, we must plan the engagement party. I was going to have an exclusive soirée this weekend but I think it shall be much better as a celebration. Do not worry, I shall sort it all out."

Friedrich nodded. Right now, he was just happy that Harriet had said yes. That would get him through his aunt's meddling.

Bit of a short one this time!

Next Time: Harriet gets through an uncomfortable dress fitting with the Queen and her dressmaker.

Thanks again, don't forget to like, comment, and read my other work x

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