Mama and Papa

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Sorry that it's nearly been three months since the last update but I've been focused on other things. Anyway, we're at over 156K so a massive thank you to everyone!

The summer was ending and the autumn weather was taking its place. With the season finished, most of society had flocked out of the city and back into the comfort of their country homes. London remained the home of only a select few.

Harriet and her family were part of that select few. She had just finished her month of post-childbirth confinement and was now free to actually leave her apartments.

It seemed as though she had missed everything that was going on. Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma had sought and received a special marriage license, just as his sister and the duke had. The wedding was still rather splendid, as befitting a Viscount, but it had been rather quick. Harriet would love to have gone but society dictated against it. She'd instead had Phoebe rush over after it had happened to spill the gossip. The pair seemed rather happy about the whole affair apparently, so Phoebe had guessed that they'd be caught but didn't mind.

Edwina was also rather relaxed about it all. She told Harriet that she suspected that Anthony had held affection for Kate since the beginning, but had been expected to court Edwina. Edwina stated her professed happiness for Kate and said that she had another season left. Harriet felt rather cross for Edwina- perhaps she'd have found a match this time around if Anthony hadn't strung her along.

With the season out of the way, Harriet could relax. It was a nice day as Harriet's fingers gently laced the piano. Her playing was soft as to avoid being too loud for a certain someone in the bassinet beside her.

Little Charlotte was snugly tucked away, sleeping soundly. Harriet still couldn't believe that this tiny creature was her child. She was in constant disbelief that babies were so little, yet they apparently were. Charlotte already had a full head of blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes that made Harriet want to melt. She sometimes felt herself just staring as Charlotte slept away.

She was a spoiled little thing. It had been a good idea to name her after the Queen, who decided that the baby named after her needed lots of things. She'd already essentially hired a nursemaid for her, deciding that only she could choose the right one for the baby. Harriet had not complaints about Abigail, but she wished she'd had a choice in the matter.

Harriet had given Abigail a break to visit town. This left Charlotte to her.

Mozart had been absolutely fascinated by the new arrival. He was banned from the nursery but was often found pawing at the door, whining. If Charlotte was out of the nursery, then Mozart could be found desperately trying to reach her. He would whine even more when Harriet pulled him away. She didn't particularly want dog slobber near her child, but that didn't deter Mozart.

He was currently sulking on a chair after Harriet had told him off for trying to jump on the bassinet. It was hard to take a dog sulking seriously when he was just a ball of fluff with eyes. Harriet had to laugh.

Maybe Charlotte would be musical. She hoped so.

"This is C minor," she said, still aware that Charlotte was fast asleep, "Then next to that is D major."

"It is a little early for you to be teaching her piano."

Harriet looked up with a smile, "There is not much else you can do with a baby besides speaking to and holding them."

"That is true," Friedrich moved into the room, "They are fascinating creatures but I dare say it may be a while before we can do more with her. Oh, look, she must like your music- she is awake."

Charlotte's eyes had fluttered open and she was staring into space.

"Perhaps she wants a few minutes with her vater."

Friedrich walked over and wrapped his arms around Charlotte, pulling her close to him. Despite the emphasis on family, neither was too experienced around babies. It was expected that they would be handled mainly by nannies- not that parents were expected to be too distant to the children to the point of not holding them. Abigail seemed to be the one who knew how to handle a baby. Both Friedrich and Charlotte were scared of dropping her.

"Who do you think she will look like?"

Harriet shrugged, "I do not know. Family likeliness can be a funny thing. It is said that you resemble your father more, yet I take more after my mother. Perhaps she will look like one of us as a child but resemble the other as an adult."

"Well if she is quite as pretty as you, then she will be the most popular debutante when she is older."

"You make me blush, my dear, but I cannot yet imagine her as a debutante when she is a babe in arms."

"I hope that she will be a baby for a long time."

"Me too."

"I hope all of our children will be."

"You should not talk of more children with the woman who gave birth not a month and a half ago. I can see why so many mothers have children with such large age gaps- no wonder John is the youngest by several years."

At that, Charlotte started wailing loudly.

"Oh dear, perhaps Charlotte wants to be an only child. Don't cry, it's alright, papa is here."

That did not soothe Charlotte, who continued wailing loudly.

"Let me try," Harriet got up, taking the baby from her husband, "Charlotte, it's mama."

That did not stop Charlotte either.

"Oh, Your Highnesses," Abigail walked back in, "I heard her crying, please, allow me."

She took Charlotte from her parents and the baby immediately stopped crying.

"Her Highness just needs her clouts changing, and a longer nap too," Abigail told them, looking sympathetically at the pair, "I shall leave you."

She curtsied before scurrying out of the room.

"How is that she knows how to calm the baby down immediately?" Harriet asked.

"Perhaps she is magic, or perhaps she is just doing her job. Anyway, why don't we play some piano together?"

"That would be nice."

Hi all, a bit of a filler, but hoped you enjoyed it anyway.

Next Time: Harriet plays matchmaker for Edwina.

Thanks again for reading and I hope to see you again soon xxx

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