A Trot in the Park

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The wedding of the now-Duke and Duchess of Hastings is worthy of a thousand pages! The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton outdid herself with the marvellous reception held in their London home. Both the groom and the bride looked perfectly happy and joyful. The Duchess was a bride that made all of the other women jealous with her beauty and poise.

Unfortunately for us, the Hastings have headed to their country estate. I foresee a rather dull season ahead without the couple that kept us captivated. It will take something truly spectacular to see us entertained until the end of the season.

- Lady Whistledown

It was a splendid day at Hyde Park. The sun shone gently down upon the grass as people promenaded up and down. Children ran up and down, shrieking with excitement.

Harriet had received a message from one of Prince Friedrich's valets the afternoon before. He'd asked if she would like to take a ride in Hyde Park. Harriet had of course said yes. Riding was one of the very, very few ways that a man and woman could talk freely without too close supervision. They'd still be in public but there'd also be no mamas hovering over their shoulder.

She was still amazed that a prince had paid attention to her. Harriet did not believe herself to be plain or disliked, but he was a prince. His first interest had been Daphne Bridgerton and that had been no surprise. Instead of moving on to someone like Cressida Cowper, Friedrich took an interest in her. He'd given her music books. He'd given her attention.

Harriet hadn't necessarily fallen for him. How could she when she barely knew him? It wasn't something out of a storybook but she liked him enough. Friedrich was kind and gracious. He wanted marriage and a family like she did. Her life with him would be comfortable and happy.

Friedrich had presented her with beautiful emerald earrings that looked expensive. He said that they contrasted nicely with her blue eyes and she couldn't agree more.

Would there be a ring in the future? They'd accompanied one another to several events including theatre trips. It must mean something.

"My mother wrote to me. My youngest half-brother is starting to walk."

"Oh how wonderful! I remember when John first learned to walk. He was quite the terror and oh he was so fast too, even Father had a hard time catching up with him. That brother is Carl if I remember correctly?"

"Yes, you remember correctly. Only six of us have made it past infancy including myself. Mother is quite the trooper."

"Indeed. I often wonder how Lady Bridgerton did it. She did apparently nearly die having Hyacinth though. How dreadful that would have been, especially so soon after losing their father. They are all so close, I hope to have that one day."

"You shall be a very fine mother one day."

"Well you shall be a very fine father."

"I am also sure that your children will be very lovely, especially if they take after their mother."

Harriet blushed, "All I hope is that I do have at least one daughter. Aunt Hilda is absolutely run off her feet with my cousins, even with the nannies. Thank goodness they're all away at school now. I gave my parents a much easier time than my brothers did."

"Will they agree?"

"I doubt it but they would be liars."

"Are you attending Lady Cowper's ball?"

"Yes. She does host the best balls and I promised Phoebe that I'd be there for when Lord Burnley hopefully proposes. I assume you will be attending?"

"Yes, though I dread it somewhat. Cressida Cowper...I do not wish to speak ill of anyone but she is rather forward in her encounters. She makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable."

"Miss. Cowper has designs on you."

"Well there is only one lady I wish to be close to and she is right here with me."

That made Harriet blush once again.

"There is something that I wish to ask you," Friedrich's face suddenly went serious, "Forgive me for being intrusive but I just wish to know something. I'd assumed that there was an understanding between myself and Miss. Bridgerton.  It turned out I was wrong and she had been interested in the Duke all along. Before I go any further, I'd like to know if I have any competition for your affection."

Harriet looked surprised.

"N...no...there is not. I am serious about you, Your Highness, of that there is no doubt. The understanding is there, I promise."

"I am sorry that I had to ask; I just needed to know."

"I think that it is a fair question. Debutantes can be fickle. We must cling onto every opportunity that we get so that we are not spinsters. Sometimes, we cannot afford to wait in hopes of our chosen man proposing. Daphne...I don't think she had that worry. Even when Lady Whistledown declared her ineligible there was no way that was going to stay that way. She always had opportunities."

"I do not hate her."

"I did not think you would, though I admit I'd be angered if I were in your position."

"She did not owe me her affections."

"You thought that you had an understanding."

"I did but it worked out for the best. We would not have met otherwise and I'd never have known the charming lady before me."

"You flatter me entirely too much."

"It is well-deserved, Miss. Greyfair. You are the finest young lady I have met on this fair isle. I'd have never met anyone like you in Prussia."

"Well then I am happy that you came over here."

Friedrich smiled that sweet smile at her.

"Do you know who is coming to London soon?"

Harriet shook her head.

"Vincenzo Bucchi."

"The composer Vincenzo Bucchi?!"

Friedrich nodded.

"The very same."

"Oh wow. He is just the most amazing musician. I feel like I must have learned all of his compositions."

"My aunt knows him. He is giving a private performance in the palace."

"Her Majesty knows how to attract talent."

"She does. I also get to invite a guest so I would be honoured if you would attend."

Harriet nodded so rapidly it looked as though her head would fall off.

"I would love that more than anything in this world."

"I thought that you might."

"Wow, I think I may make a fool out of myself in front of him."

"You could never do such a thing."

"I could in front of Mr. Bucchi."

"I will be on hand to ensure that you do not faint. Auntie will have smelling salts at the palace I'm sure."

"Well she shall have to stock up."

Friedrich laughed.

Hi all, hope you enjoyed it.

Next Time: Harriet attends dinner at the Featherington household where she gets to know the newly-engaged Marina.

Also, we're over 1K views which is amazing! After only six chapters as well which I'm so thrilled about. Thank you ever so much for your support.

I'd also really appreciate it if you check out my regency story 'The Love of A Diamond.' It's not got many views so I'd love to give it a push.

Thanks again and don't forget to like and comment xxx

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