A London Party

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Thanks for all the support so far. Please read my newest story 'The Thorn Falls For the Rose.' It's Regency so perfect for fans of this story.

Harriet was ready.

It was her very first party and she was going to ensure that it was a good one. Whilst many had fled to the country since the season had ended, a good number remained in London. With no Whistledown to report on her every mistake, Harriet felt optimistic.

Harriet had worked incredibly hard when planning this. Everything had been micromanaged, right down to the minor details like where exactly the plates would be laid. She'd hired top musicians, ordered the most popular foods and decorated it in a way that she hoped would be tasteful. Everything would be perfect, she was sure. The Queen was in attendance and she couldn't have anything less than perfect for the Queen.

They were all filing through. The Cowpers. The Dorsets. The Featheringtons (redeemed by the Duchess of Hasting's invitation to the ball).

"You do not need to look so tense dear," Friedrich whispered, "You are doing fine."

"You have to be nice to me."

"I am not just being nice, you have done a spectacular job Harriet. Everything looks incredible and I know that everybody will be enjoying the evening. Sadly, they will not look quite as beautiful as the hostess."

"You shall make me blush sir. I assume your aunt will be arriving fashionably late so that all may see her outfit?"

"I would not expect any less from her."

The Bridgertons headed over to greet them. It was strange to think that they were almost Friedrich's in-laws. Had things been different then it would have been Daphne standing beside him. Whilst he did like her, he liked Harriet more. He was glad that she was his wife and that he and Daphne had both been blessed with good matches.

"Lord Bridgerton, Lady Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton, welcome," Harriet smiled, "I am glad that you could all attend."

"We are most grateful for your invitation," Lady Bridgerton replied.

"Tell me, how is the Duchess? She must be so excited."

"Yes, Daphne has always adored children so she is over the moon."

"I am so pleased that it has happened for her so soon. Please give her my regards."

"We will, thank you."

"Lady Burnley approaches," Friedrich whispered, "I think that is my cue to get a drink."

He kissed her cheek as Phoebe came scurrying over.

"Your Highness," Phoebe exaggerated her curtsy.

"You are terrible," Harriet laughed, hugging Phoebe, "Your dress is so lovely. Is it new?"

"A gift from the husband. He likes me to look nice. We would have been earlier but we got a little...sidetracked."

Phoebe smirked. She had discovered that she and her husband were rather physically into one another. It would be no surprise if she was already pregnant, for they'd certainly been together enough to make it happen. It was also a fact that she did not shy away from sharing with her best friend. Her mother certainly wouldn't appreciate the conversation. Phoebe was sure her parents had only come together to have her, her sister and her brother.

"Come, let us take a turn about the room."

Harriet and Phoebe linked arms.

"I hear that Martha Cook is furious that her new husband is not discreet about his lovers. She found him in the throes in their own home whilst she was present," Phoebe whispered.

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