05 | Ricky - Avoidance

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"Are you sure you don't wanna ride back with me?" Eze questioned for the hundredth time.

I internally groaned at the question "Positive." I answered back, not really looking her way.

During school I decided to text Ricky and ask if he could pick me up and of course he said yes. I wish I didn't have to ask for his help with avoiding my mate, mainly because I know I'll immediately have to tell him everything, including why I've been avoiding him.

Now that I was waiting out here I kinda felt bad for asking him to pick me up, especially when his school is a 30 minute drive from mine. I told Eze my plan as soon as school ended and she wasn't very happy about it, she doesn't trust him but that doesn't matter because I do.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Eze's been standing outside with me for the past five minutes despite that black SUV from before already being parked in front of the school. "You know you can leave, I'll be fine." I glanced her way as she continued looking out at the parking lot.

"Nah, I'm okay with waiting." She answered with a wide grin "Plus don't you like my company?" She teased as she moved both her eyebrows up and down in a flirtatious manner. I snorted at her goofy grin before slightly shaking my head, she's a complete weirdo.

"Stay if you want, I just wanted to let you know you could go since my ride's not going to be here for another 10 minutes." I revealed with a shrug.

"Speaking of your ride, who's picking you up?" She questioned, glancing between me and the parked SUV. Her gaze was anxious and made me wanna laugh at how nervous she looked. I'm starting to think I'm a bad person...

"Are you asking as a friend or a pack member trying to protect their Luna?" She looked to the side at my question, slightly rocking on her feet.

"Why can't it be both?"

I sighed as she glanced at me, giving me puppy eyes as she continued to silently plead for an answer. "Never said it couldn't." I grabbed my phone and turned it on, showing the slightly cracked screen to Eze as I pointed at my screensaver "This is who's picking me up." I watched as she looked over the picture, she studied it as if it was her favorite art piece from a museum.

"Can't really see his face." She replied after several seconds.

I shrugged, pulling my phone away from her unsure face, "It's a blurry photo." I said simply, not at all trying to reassure any worries she might be having. Ricky's a good guy so they're just gonna have to trust him and most importantly, trust me. "Did you need to have a clear photo of him?" I questioned.

"Nope." She answered, letting out an abvious awkward laugh. After that we both just continued to stand in silence until I noticed a dark blue motorcycle pull into the school parking lot.

I quickly grabbed my bag as the bike pulled to a stop in front of us, "Well that's my ride." Eze looked between me and the bike with wide eyes that I promptly ignored as I grabbed the biker helmet being handed to me. I rolled my eyes at the helmet, it was a sparkly purple helmet with a black outline of a wolf on the side. I punched Rickys' shoulder as I saw him starting to snicker. I hate this helmet and he knows that, that's why he gave it to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said, climbing onto the back of the large bike before placing both my hands on either side of Rickys' waist. Ricky turned to me, waiting till I nodded to turn back. He looked to the side at Eze, tipping his helmet covered head at her before speeding out the lot. I snickered as we left, knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me over the roar of the motorcycle anyway.

I watched the scenery as we rode by, enjoying how everything mixed together in a blur. I sighed as I closed my eyes and laid my head on Rickys' back, my grip on him loosening as I got lost in the feeling the fast air gave off. It was like running in wolf form but with less exercise, and you know no painful shifting process. I mean it's not that painful, but there's still a little bit of pain everytime you shift.

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