13 | What the fuck?

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As I walked out my sixth period I was met with a smiling Eze; I sighed, giving a small smile back at her excited expression, "You ready?" She asked cheerfully. It's been three days since I was invited to the party for the "mystery pack member" and today is the day.

I shrugged as I continued walking down the hall, maneuvering through the many shoulders in the way. "Don't tell me you've changed your mind." I glanced at her frowning face as she whined.

"No, I didn't change my mind." I replied, watching as she instantly perked up at my answer "I just don't think it's something I necessarily have to be ready for, it's just a party." I answered simply, once again shrugging my shoulders.

For the past few days I've been visiting the pack, I didn't necessarily want to be there since the chance of running into Ade as shigher there compared to everywhere else but Kyle was the only other person I consider my friend besides Ricky who's still too busy with school to hang out. Zane's pretty cool too, that reminds me.

"How come Zane has so much free time, don't betas usually have a lot of work to do?" I questioned, remembering how Zane was always around me and Kyle or me and Eze whenever we were doing something around the pack house.

Eze let out a knowing laugh as we stopped in front of my class, "He actually doesn't have a lot of free time." She revealed.

"So he really is just lazy like Kyle said." Eze laughed at my comment, shaking her head as I gave her a questioning look.

"Your his best friends mate anddd despite you continuously telling us not to see you as our Luna I'm sure he still sees you as it." I rolled my eyes at her answer, letting out an irritated groan; I would've preferred him just being a terrible beta "You know the whole pack, including me, still see you as our Luna right?"

I glanced back at her nervous stance giving a hum before looking away again, "I'll see you after school." I dismissed, walking into my last period of the day after only getting a defeated sigh in reply.

I don't understand what response she was hoping to receive by saying that, but it's safe to assume the one I gave was not it. I tensed as I entered the class, feeling a tight grip on the back of my neck.

My body relaxed when I heard a low chuckle behind me and smelt a scent I had unfortunately become familiar with, "Please, don't touch me." I seethed, glancing back at Ryan's smirking face.

His blonde hair was wet, probably from showering after afternoon practice, and slicked back out of his eyes. His brown eyes looked disgusted as he stared down at me but I could clearly see the emotion he tried to hide behind them.

If you can't tell Ryan is the same douche from a couple days ago, ever since that day we ran into each other he's made it his mission to try and torment me, key word "try"; He was failing horribly, the worst he could be was a minor inconvenience I'd get over once class ended.

I tried not to give much of a response since that's what he wanted, he wanted to beat down the "new scrawny kid" who embarrassed him that day in the hall but I'm nice enough to not let him embarrass himself further. I mean c'mon I'm a werewolf, there's no way in hell he's winning in a fight against me.

There were a couple of growls as he pushed me away by the neck, finally letting go. Ade had a lot of pack members in this class and they didn't like seeing me getting "bullied" by anyone, let alone a human.

Multiple eyes looked at me expectantly as I watched Ryan make his way back to his group of friends who laughed and high fived him as he sat down. I looked around at them and shrugged my shoulders. They want me to rip him to shreds and "show him who's boss" but the truth is I just don't care right now, so I pop my neck and walk towards my seat.

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