49 | The Letter

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I tilt my head back, closing my eyes as I stand under the shower, allowing the cold water to wake me up. I run my hands through my hair, pushing the wet strands out of my eyes, "It's definitely time for a cut." I mumbled.

"I'm sure a letter is too much, but I need to ask you something and I know seeing me makes you uncomfortable. Do you have a favorite flower?"

"Do you have a favorite flower?" I repeated, my voice a silent whisper as I echoed the innocent question.

'Open it' Leon whispered, his voice soft but demanding as I stared down at the neatly folded envelope 'Open it?' I repeated, my hands reaching down towards the firm paper-like material.

'Hmm...' I hummed, my fingers gently tracing the design delicately embroidered with a material the mirrored fine gold, 'Should I?' I questioned, uncertainty flowing through my voice as I looked over the envelope.

'Yes.' Leon answered breathlessly, all his complex emotions conveyed through that single word. Much like my wolf's, my inside burned to know what kind of words lay hidden inside the abandoned envelope.

My fingers moved before my mind could register what I was doing, gently pulling at the sealed envelope, holding my breath as I carefully removed the paper from its confines.

I let out a deep breath, opening my eyes to the bathroom ceiling, "My favorite flower?" I muttered, staring off into space as I thought over the simple question. I thought about it as I finished washing up, as I dried off, and as I got dressed.

Only when I physically had the letter back in my hands did the answer float into my mind, and only then did I answer, writing the name in ink similar to the one that had been used to write the actual question itself.

I held the letter out in front of me, eyes tracing over my answer, 'Yeah.' Leon's soft voice traveled into my head, a small smile spreading across my face as I recognized the one hidden in his quiet tone.

I let out a relieved breath as I neatly placed the letter back into the embroidered envelope, happy to know Leon agreed with my answer. I brought the envelope with me as I picked up the only pair of boots I had, quickly slipping them on before making my way to the door.

I quietly left the room, making my way through the hall until my feet stopped in front of a familiar room, Ades office. My hand slightly tightened on the letter in my hand, I could smell his scent, he was inside just like he always was.

I lifted the envelope, glancing down at it as I took in a short breath, "What are you doing?" Leon questioned, watching as I crouched outside the door. "I don't want to talk to him." I replied, my actions self-explanatory as I slowly slid the envelope under the oak door.

As soon as the envelope was completely under I left, quickly going down the stairs, trying to get as far away from his office in an attempt to not be there when he inevitably opened the door. "Very dramatic." Leon commented humorously, getting nothing but an eye roll in reply as I continued to make my way out of the packhouse.

A made a couple glances around as I snuck my way into the surrounding woods; this has become somewhat of a habit for a couple of weeks now. Everyday, depending on if I have therapy that week, I have been going out by myself and scouting the woods.

The couple of hours a day Ade gave me to "scout with a group" didn't feel like enough so, I eventually decided to just go out on my own. Being in a group limits what I can do, especially since I'm still, for some reason, not allowed to go tracking in wolf form.

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