08 | Advice - Leave

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I groaned, wincing as my head slipped off my hand and hit the desk at the sound of the last bell of the day. I stayed seated, still a bit unoriented as the rest of my classmates hurried out of the class. A few moments later I finally got up, stretching and grabbing my bag before slowly making my way out the room.

I'm exhausted, not the "I pulled an all nighter" exhausted but still tired nonetheless. I don't understand why I'm so tired when I fell asleep right after that conversation with Ricky; I thought he would have woken me up since the nap was only supposed to be, well, a nap.

I didn't wake up till the morning and was truthfully more than a little confused on how bright it was outside and where Ricky went. But he texted me later on in the morning saying that it looked like I needed the rest so he left me to sleep.

I slept for a whole thirteen hours and yet I still feel just as exhausted as I did before I went to bed; I pretty much slept through every class I had today. "Ready to go?" Eze questioned as I left the class, at first I was just going to ride with Ricky but she really wanted me to ride with her; She even said that Ade wouldn't be the one driving us, not that that's the reason I didn't want to ride with her.

I shrugged as I tiredly followed her out the school, brightening up when I saw a familiar motorcycle parked by the entrance, "Hey puppy." Ricky greeted, leaning off his bike as he made his way towards me and ruffled my hair, ignoring the glare I sent him for the nickname. He smirked at my tired glare, a hint of concern hid behind the teasing smile he gave but he didn't say anything. We broke out our "conversation", (if you can even call it that) by Eze who not so subtly cleared her throat behind me. Ricky furrowed his brows as he looked behind me, finally noticing Ezes' awkward figure, "Hey?" He greeted, causing me to grumble up at him when he used one hand to playfully push me away by my forehead.

Eze glanced at me before looking back at Ricky with a small smile, "Hey.." she greeted back, clearly skeptical by Rickys' seemingly cheerful attitude. I rubbed the part of my head Ricky had pushed as he gave her a big smile. "I'm Ricky." He replied, trying to further the already awkward conversation "So I've heard.." she replied, sounding uninterested despite there being an amused grin on her face.

"You've heard about me?" He questioned, glancing at me "I'm hoping you've only heard good things then." He said, looking back to her with the same amused grin. "Can't say I have..." she trailed off, purposely looking off as if she were thinking when it was very clear she wasn't. Ricky laughed at her teasing causing her to laugh as well, his laugh is unfortunately very contagious.

I glared at the side of Rickys' head the entire time they spoke and I must have been staring hard because at some point he just randomly turned to me, his smile faltering as he saw my tired expression, "Can we go?" I questioned.

Eze looked between the both of us before again clearing her throat, "Uh yeah sorry let's go-" She suddenly cut herself off, her eyes widening as she cursed under her breath. "I think I left my gym bag in the locker room." She revealed, letting out a frustrated sigh as she disappointingly shook her head at herself.

"Y'all go ahead, I'll just meet you there." She said, making her way back towards the schools' doors. "How are you getting back?" Ricky questioned as I just stood by idly, not really caring for what was going on. "I'll just shift and run back, it shouldn't take that long. " She answered, sounding unbothered despite clearly looking upset over the thought of having to shift.

"I mean I could wait here for you and drive you back." I furrowed my brows at Rickys' offer, giving him a 'since when are you this nice?' look as he glanced my way. "I mean, if it's not too much trouble.."

"It's not, we're going the same way anyway." He answered back with a laugh as she smiled in agreement "Alright then I'll be back in like 30 minutes. You can go to the car and start heading to the pack Stefan, we'll meet you there." She shouted as she speed walked back into the school; I sighed once she had fully entered, great now I have to be at the packhouse alone.

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