40 | Session

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A/N | Sorry if there are any mistakes, I really didn't have any time to edit this chapter.

Also it's shorter than usual but in my eyes better than the last one so hopefully that makes up for the shortness.

Stefan anxiously tapped his finger against his Jean covered thighs, nervously waiting for Ansley to start speaking again. "Why did you decide to start therapy?" She questioned, watching as he seemed to think over his response. "Alpha Adebiyi."  He answered.

She nodded her head at his answer, "Are the two of you close?" She continued, not missing how the brunette tensed at her question, "No." he replied in a low voice, "We're not." The older woman wrote down something on her pad, sending Stefan a reassuring smile when she met his eyes again.

"Can you tell me what your relationship is?" She questioned, watching as Stefan shook his head, "I would rather not talk about it." He mumbled, the anxiousness he felt moments ago starting to come back.

"That's okay." She said quickly, "We can move on." She offered, setting her pad and pen back on her lap as he silently nodded in reply. "Have you ever been in therapy before?" Stefan shook his head no as the older woman nodded along. "What do you hope to accomplish from our sessions?"

Stefan's eyes glanced to the side at the question, he hadn't actually thought about what he would be getting from this. The only reason he had even agreed to come was so that he could be allowed on the scouting team. He glanced up at Ansley, nervousness clear in his gaze, was he supposed to lie? But she had told him to be as honest as possible...

"I..." he started, trailing off as he frantically searched his mind for an answer, "...don't know." He finished, opting to tell the truth because none of the random answers swimming in his head were good enough to actually say out loud.

"Do you know why Alpha Adebiyi wanted you to start attending therapy?"  She asked, looking back up from her pad as she finished writing down some more notes.

"To fix my um... anxiety?" He answered, his voice sounding unsure as he awkwardly looked down at the fluffy carpet beneath their feet. "Have you always had anxiety?" She pressed, his uncomfortable shifting not going unnoticed by the professional.

"No." He answered truthfully, "It's something that's just started recently, and it's honestly gotten better in the past few weeks." He explained, for some reason feeling the need to defend himself.

Ansley gave the teen a polite smile as she hummed in reply, jotting something down in her pad, "Do you feel comfortable explaining what the cause of your sudden anxiety was?" She continued as Stefan instantly stiffened at the question, his brows furrowing as the scenes of his cottage flashed in his eyes. He let out a small involuntary whimper, frustratingly closing his eyes as he frantically shook his head no.

"Okay, that's okay, we don't have to talk about it now if you're not ready." She reassured with a soft voice, her hand reaching out to hand the trembling teen a tissue and watching as he hesitantly took it, "Thanks you." He muttered, wiping his eyes that had started to water, "It's no problem." she responded.

Ansley silently observed him, watching as he took deep but subtle breaths, his eyes blinking more than normal as he calmed himself down, "Are panic attacks a regular occurrence?" Stefan's eyes shot back to her at the question, "I've never had a panic attack before." He replied, his voice clearly showing how confused he was.

"Really?" She asked, slightly surprised. "You seemed to be extremely close to having a panic attack just now." She revealed, her voice remained soft throughout the revelation. Stefan opened his mouth to respond, closing it moments later when nothing came out.

He hadn't thought that he was having a panic attack, sometimes his breathing went out of control and his head got light headed, but even then he had never thought about the possibility of it being a panic attack.

"It's okay." She suddenly said, breaking him out of his own thoughts. "Panic attacks can be very serious, but you seem to be very good at calming yourself down before it gets to that point." She continued, a small compliment hidden in his words, one that Stefan both noticed and subtly smiled at.

"I would like to give you some more ways to calm yourself, and in case you happen to have an actual panic attack, some ways to help you with getting through them." She offered, completely closing her pad and placing it on the glass coffee table between them. She sent Stefan a reassuring smile as he thought over her answer, slowly nodding his head after a few silent moments.

The rest of the session was spent learning new ways to control his nerves, mostly focusing on techniques to use in case he finds himself starting to, or in the middle of having a panic attack. By the time it was time for him to leave he was feeling more relaxed than he initially thought he would, the older lady had a nice calming personality that made talking to her easier.

As Stefan stepped into the large black SUV, a voice he hadn't expected to hear sounded into the air, "How was your session?" His head snapped up in shock, wide eyes staring at Zane as he sat in the passenger's seat, a goofy grin on his face. A smile immediately came to Stefan's face at the Beta's reaction, it seemed like they were finally back to normal.

"It was alright." He shrugged half-heartedly, clicking on his seatbelt before relaxing into his seat. Zane let out an amused breath, looking down at the brunette with his wide signature smile before turning back to the road and starting the car.

Though Zane seemed to be back to his usual goofy self, there was still some type of tension in the air, and for some reason the beta still insisted on calling Stefan by the Luna title.

Stefan tried not to let the mold formalness bother him but it was hard to see someone he had grown so close to treat him as nothing more than a well respected stranger. "We're here, Luan." Zane announced, not at all missing how his Luna frowned in response.

"Do you know where Ade is?" Stefan questioned as he unbuckled the belt tightly strapped across his chest. Zane's eyes snapped over to his, seemingly surprised that he had asked about Ade before quickly regaining his composure, "Uh, he should be in his office." He answered hesitantly, his brows slightly furrowing together, still surprised and now slightly confused.

Stefan ignored the betas' confused state as he hopped in the car, making his way to Ades' office before pausing right outside the door. He blankly stared at the oak wood door, his hand slowly raising to knock against the wood but stopping at the sound of his mates gruff voice. "Come in." He said.

He took a deep breath, letting it out before entering the office and shutting the door behind him. Ades eyes were on him as soon as he entered the room, studying him as he uncomfortably fiddled with the bottom of his shirt.

"I just finished my session." He said, his face blank as Ade gave him a small smile in reply, "How'd it go?" He questioned, his voice low as he followed Stefan's movements, watching as his mate walked closer to his desk before sitting down in the chair directly in front of it with a shrug.

"I have a favor to ask." He suddenly said, instantly peaking the Alphas interest as the large man sat up even further in his chair. He didn't say anything but did give a small nod in reply, encouraging him to continue.

"I did as you asked." He said instead of continuing. "I went to therapy." He elaborated, watching as Ade nodded his head in agreement, "I know." He replied, continuing to wait for him to explain what favor he wanted.

"So..." he breathed, nervously biting at the inside of his cheek, his nerves only worsened by the crystal blue eyes burning into him, "Can Ricky join one of the scouting teams?"

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