10 | Don't Care

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"Are you sure neither of you want a ride back?" Eze asked, glancing between the both of us as we made our way to Ricky's parked bike. "I'm either having major deja vu, or you just asked us that." I huffed, squinted my eyes when ours came into contact.

She flinched, quickly looking away to the side, "I just wanted to make sure since riding motorcycles can be quite dangerous at night." She answered back, a small awkward smile planted on her noticeably uncomfortable face.

I glanced back as I grabbed one of the black helmets set onto the closest handle of the bike, "We're werewolves." I scoffed, looking back down at the helmet, "I'm sure we can take care of ourselves, we don't need a-" my words became muffled as a hand came up and covered my mouth.

I looked up as soon as the hand came in contact with my face, glaring at Ricky as he glanced down before moving his gaze back to Ezes' upset figure, "Sorry, you'll have to excuse him. He tends to get a little cranky when he's tired." He said glancing at my glaring expression when saying the last part.

He had been quiet since we left the park, well actually when I think about it he hadn't talked much since we stepped onto pack lands. His face remained nonchalant as he bowed to Eze with a slight smirk, "I wasn't aware you were a princess."

"Princess?" Eze repeated with a laugh.

Ricky quirked his brow at her reaction, completely ignoring me as I continued to send him the meanest glare I could muster, "I mean what else would you call someone who is the daughter of an alpha?" He questioned.

"By their name." We all turned to the side as Abeo, the guard from earlier that afternoon calmly walked out the dirt path that had led us to and from the town. He seemed angrier if that was even possible, and I'm sure no one missed the glare he sent Ricky's way. Great Ricky had only been here a couple of hours and had somehow managed to offend the head guard.

Ricky slightly tilted his head to the side, feigning confusion as his eyebrows furrowed, "But that would be disrespectful no?" He questioned with furrowed brows. "Have you not already been calling her that up until now?" Abeo questioned his stare hard as he stood behind Eze.

The air grew quiet as Ricky stared at Abeo with squinted eyes and a small grin, Abeo returned his stare with a hard and unamused glare. I looked between the two brewing men, growing more and more irritated at the fact that my mouth was still covered even now; So I did the only thing I could, I bit Ricky's hand.

"Ow!" He shouted, removing his hand and shaking it in the air as if it would cure the pain. I rolled my eyes at his exaggerated movements, "We're gonna head out." I said grabbing Ricky by his sleeve as I walked us the rest of the distance to the bike.

"Will you come tomorrow?" Eze questioned as I climbed onto the back, securely placing my hands on the sides of Ricky's waist. I looked up to ricky at the question, waiting for his answer; Even if the question wasn't directed towards him, his answer is my answer because I'm not coming anywhere near this land without him by my side.

Ricky looked back at me, quickly glancing to the side, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was glancing at Abeo but his eyes moved too quickly to tell, "...sure." He answered, dropping the visor over his eyes as Eze let out a happy cheer. I glanced back at Abeo as we sped out the circular path, his eyes never left our direction, even as they subtly glazed over as if he were linking someone they stayed glued to us. Or rather Ricky.

The ride to my cottage was silent but I wasn't complaining, all our motorcycle rides were quiet; It allows me to truly focus on everything around me and to just have time to myself to think. When we finally pulled up in front of my home I got off, handing the helmet to Ricky as he pulled his visor up.

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