16 | Pain and Vodka

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I made my way down the steps, maneuvering my way through the limitless amount of people that hurriedly ran around the large house. I spotted Eze in the kitchen decorating a cake and made my way to her, "Hey Stefan." She greeted excitingly, momentarily stopping her decoration before returning to finish.

I didn't answer back as I raised one of my brows, looking around the busy house before turning my attention back to Eze. Eze laughed as she realized my silent question. "We just got news that the pack member I told you about will be here in just a few minutes." She explained as she set the finished cake in the fridge.

"She must be more important than I thought if she's making y'all react like this." I said, looking around as I did.

"Important?" She hummed. "Not important like an alpha or a Luna but important as in family." Her eyes held a glint of admiration as her lips curved into a faint smile.

I simply nodded my head as she made her way around the island countertop, "Cmon, her car's about to pull up." She said heading outside as I followed close behind.

As we made our way outside we were greeted by a large group of people huddled around a car. I followed Eze as people made way for her to easily walk through the crowd, she stopped once we were in the front and I peered over her shoulder at the car.

I watched as a beautiful girl with pale skin stepped out of the car; She had long white hair that reached her stomach even when put in a neat over the shoulder braid. I could feel my breath hitch as she looked in our direction, her eyes that showed a deep shade of purple was mesmerizing but scary.

"I've never seen anyone with that eye color except for the members of our pack.." Leon commented, seemingly mesmerized as well "Do you think-"

"No." I cut him off. "That's not possible and you know it." He remained quiet as the girl sent a bright smile towards Eze. "I know."

Her smile slightly fell when she noticed my expression but she was quick to fix her face as Ade made his way to her. "Hey." He greeted her, his voice the loveliest I had ever heard it become.

He pulled her into a hug, staring down at her with a smile as they pulled apart; She looked up at him with the same expression as they both shared an unreadable look in their eyes. "Ade.." she tenderly replied as she softly stroked her thumb against the side of his face.

"Good to know my absence didn't force you into starvation." She teased, softly punching him in the gut and he chuckled in response.

"Well you know my mother would never allow that to happen." He responded, leaning down to ear level and whispering something in her ear; The edge of the pale woman's lips tilted up as she gave a small laugh, slipping her slim fingers into his hand as he offered it.

"That I do." She replied, allowing him to lead her into the house; both their hands still tightly held in the others. Ade nodded to two random warriors and they repeated the action before heading back to the black car and grabbing the woman's luggage.

"I'm going to go check in with Bell, I'll meet you later alright?" Eze said and I hummed in reply before watching her run off to meet Ade and the girl. I stood quietly as I watched everyone excitedly make their way back inside the packhouse.

A familiar sting in my chest made it difficult to think clearly; A million different questions fired off in my brain as I thought over the scene that had just played out in front of me, why are they so touchy? What was that look they shared? Why is acting this way with her?

The more I thought about everything the worse the feeling got. I turned back around, making my way back to the pack house as I fought the urge to text Ricky to come and get me or just shift and run home.

Almost Rejected | BXBDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora